Mine for Now

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Sana's POV

I don't know what's wrong with me these days, but I woke up in a bad mood.

Dahyun told me that she would not be able to go home last night, so I opted to rebel and went back to my own apartment. I don't want to spend the day in the huge penthouse all by myself.

But even after I went back to my own apartment, I still felt restless. I am not even able to focus on the movie or the book that I tried watching and reading. It even took me a long time to sleep.

And then when I woke up early this morning, I really felt awful for some reason.

I want to make myself busy and fortunately, I will be able to go to the office today. If my mind goes idle, it sure makes me overthink my conversation with Dahyun. Again.

Because after all the subtle warnings that she gave me ever since, she was still actually the one who couldn't seem to stop leaving me alone. With all those sweetness with me and my family. Then it feels like she's avoiding me now because of it.

I know that we just married because of the baby, but still.

She never even called me last night.

I sighed. The thought made me stop.

What is wrong with me?

All the warning signs are there, and she even admitted to doing terrible things, but all I could think of is how she's missing last night.

No. This is not what I should be thinking about.

Dahyun didn't need to explain her scars to me. We weren't in any kind of relationship, we're not even friends. We are just in a mutually beneficial agreement, and it doesn't require anyone to reveal anything personal.

But she did good on her word that she would add security for me, because when I went out, someone's waiting to drive me to the office, even if I never told her that I'll be going home.


Because even though we're married, I would never have a home with her.


Needless to say, I am not in the mood to interact with people. Especially because of the stares that I'm receiving from everyone. Even those who normally greet me have given me a wide berth and awestruck looks.

While others of course look like they wanted to attack me, if only I have no bodyguards around.

But what caught me off guard was the crowd at the end of the hallway.

The people I passed by scowled at me. Seriously, what is wrong with them?

When I reached the location where a bunch of people were, I was frozen in place.

Why is Hirai Momo in this building?

The people who saw me arrived quickly turned away, as if I had sneezed in their general direction. I threw a scowl at those people who gave me those wide-eyed looks.

When my eyes landed on the celebrity, it seems that she just turned away from me too. I'm sure that Ms. Hirai noticed me but she just continued chatting with the employees.

I moved across the floor quickly, and shut myself in the office. I sincerely hope that I feel better soon. I need to get myself together.

I was barely able to finish all the things that I needed to do because it was occupied with the thought of Hirai Momo taking back what's hers.

At noon, I peeked through the door just to make sure that the other employees had left for lunch, before I emerged from my office cautiously. But then I heard the few stragglers say, "Ms. Hirai was so beautiful, I don't know what went inside Ms. Kim's head that she decided to marry that girl. How unfortunate."

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