Blue Topaz

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Momo's POV

I'd been living in hell for nearly a year.

That was how long I'd known about Dahyun's relationship with Sana. I thought that she would stop eventually, that she would give her up once the baby is born. She had to, right?


Instead of choosing me, she told me that she never missed me, and ran back to her wife. I shouldn't have been shocked, but I was. When Dahyun avoided me, I immediately broke down, losing myself to the tears I normally kept at bay while I foolishly waited for her to arrive.

But she didn't. At this point, my sadness morphed into blind anger, both at myself and at her. I was furious that I meant nothing to her, that I was less important than Sana.

I wanted her to choose me - our love and our history - over her. Sana should've known that she would never be able to compete with me. Why would Dahyun want that simple girl when she could have me?

I am more famous than her. She has this innocent and bookish quality that most certainly would bore Dahyun. I'm pretty sure that their sex is nothing like ours.

When I first saw Sana, she had this innocent look without any trace of malice. She's someone that I had been taught to hate, a person I had been told over and over again was beneath me because of her status.

But if she is really beneath me, how did she come out on top over and over again?

After everything that I had to endure, I would wait for her no matter what. It doesn't matter how long it takes. And for this to work, I'll make sure that she'd always see me. I had to be the one to stand by her side, and tell her that everything's going to be okay. I just had to remind her of our love.

If I have to do this over and over, I will do it.

I will make sure that Sana will truly be gone from her brain and heart.


Dahyun's POV

It has been a month since that incident and Momo still would want me to meet up with her. But I don't want to do that. Despite being with her for a long time, it now felt unfamiliar.

My thoughts about her were a little disjointed. I remembered how reluctant I was due to our arranged marriage. I knew that I felt ambivalent about it, but somehow I grew to love her and was determined to make it work. I also sense some longing for her, but Sana's face would always come to mind.

Sometimes, when I think about my wife, I feel that there's something that's missing. Other times, I felt an all-consuming love for her. It was soul deep and unshakeable. Two feelings were so at odds with each other that I didn't really know what to make of it.

I looked over at Sana, who hasn't even thought of leaving me, and I'm grateful for that. She always made sure that I had everything that I needed and was comfortable. She tried to help me calm down and think first before I act. But for some reason, my heart feels like there's still a gaping hole that she couldn't fill.

Feeling my faze, she smiled at me warmly, "Why are you staring, babe?" I shrugged, not really knowing how to answer the question.

Sana looked confused for a moment - only a split second - then decided not to push it. After that, I went near her and wrapped my arms around her. She took my hand and held it as we both looked over our Yuri. I was worried about hurting Sana, she'd been through enough already, and I'm pretty sure that she's already fragile as it is. I could remember how much I was afraid when I thought I'm going to lose her. And I hoped that whatever it is that I would end up doing would not break her.

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