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Sana's POV

"Good morning, Sana!" Taeyeon-unnie greeted me. One of the servants guided me to the dining room.

"Where is everyone?" I dared to ask her, still standing by the doorway.

"What are you doing there? Come over here." She gestured at the empty seat beside her.

"Dahyun was already out when I woke up. I think the rest are still sleeping." She sipped her coffee while still looking at me curiously while I took the seat beside her.

"Can I ask you something?"

I nodded in response as I took one slice of bread in front of me.

"You can't ask me not to be worried about my little sister. She's been through so much, and our family is not really that supportive of her. So let me just ask you, is there any other reason why you're with Dahyun? Like a major reason? I know for a fact that Dahyun doesn't do relationships, so why now?" She said in full length.

"Wait... What do you mean, not supportive of her?"

She sighed. "So you don't know anything about her?"

The door opened and Dahyun entered, "Oh, there you are, babe. I'm sorry I was not beside you when you woke up." She kissed the top of my head then proceeded to sit beside me, "Did you cry?"

Taeyeon unnie raised a brow, "She cries when you're not around?"

"What can I say, I have that effect on wome-" I hit her arm because of that, "Ouch! Babe! Why'd you hit me?"

I just rolled my eyes at her and continued to eat.

She continued to rub her arm, "Anyway, we'll be going out today."

"And you're not going to tell me where?" I asked.

"I'll be telling you where this time. I actually rented the whole Brooklyn Bridge Park." She said matter-of-factly, as if it's just as simple as buying food.

"You what?!" Taeyeon and I asked at the same time.

"What? Are you both deaf now?" She said sharply. But then she held my hand, who has the sandwich that I prepared and took a bite from it as if it's the most natural thing in the world. "Eat up, babe. We have a big day ahead."

"Who are you and what have you done to my sister?" Taeyeon teased Dahyun.

"Oh shut up, unnie! I just found the reason to be good now." She shrugged.

I found myself blushing because of what she said. I sometimes don't know if she's just good at acting or what. I seriously really need to talk to my heart before it falls for Dahyun's sweet words.

Dahyun continuously acted sweet towards me, especially when her cousins joined us for breakfast. She went as far as asking me to sit on her lap so that I could feed her because she said that she was tired because of the things that she did so early in the morning.

Taeyeon-unnie just rolled her eyes at her sister's antics.

Lisa and Seulgi attempted to pull the same trick that Dahyun did, but they got rejected. Jennie said, "You're tired of sleeping all night?" and Irene said, "You have hands, you should use them."

Lisa and Seulgi looked so dejected while Dahyun really enjoyed teasing them. She purposely acted cute so that I'll feed her more, followed by the duo's deep sigh. Jennie and Irene looked unbothered by their girlfriend's obvious hints that they want to be babied too.

"Looks like Dahyun got lucky with Sana." Wonpil said after yawning. "You both need to change your girlfriends, and find another Sana." He said as he docked because Jennie threw a spoon at him.

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