[M] Quiet

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Sana's POV

Preparing for this interview is nerve wracking, but Dahyun was very supportive all throughout.

Right now, we're looking at my reflection, as she gave me an encouraging squeeze on the shoulder after she whispered, "You're so beautiful." in my ears before kissing me on my cheeks.

I looked away from my reflection to Dahyun's retreating figure, "Is Yuri awake already?"

"Yes, I'm afraid, but don't you worry, I'll just entertain her."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure babe. I have a bunch of lists that we can do for the whole day. Go get them, babe!" Dahyun even pumped her fists in the air for the full effect.

But then she ran back inside the room to get some of my lipstick and eyeliner, which made me raise my eyebrows, "I'm going to need these."

"Okay, well, have fun!"

"You got it, boss!" Dahyun shouted as she retreated.

I tilted my head in confusion as I saw Dahyun run out of the room. Okay, I don't know what that was for but I guess, I don't want to know for now.

I think that I can trust whatever it is that she's planning for our little girl, and right now I really need to focus on my interview with Women magazine. They contacted me after they learned that I've worked my way up the ladder in our company, and I'm proud to say that I never used Dahyun's influence.

Dahyun said that today will be my day, and that she'll take care of everything else. She even promised that they would not distract me even if we'll be shooting in our home.

And I remembered telling her that I would drop everything if something happened, but she promised that she'll take care of it.

As I went down and I saw them playing outside, I was reminded how lucky I got to be able to experience all these and to still have someone beside me.

The magazine crew will be here in a few minutes, but Dahyun's staff are already here to help me with anything, they even helped with the lighting and all of that. And as I heard the sound of the tires, I immediately went outside and welcomed them after they parked their cars.

"Mrs. Kim, good morning!" A beautiful woman stopped getting her things from her car and approached me halfway to shake my hands, "I'm Jisoo, we've talked over the phone."

"Hi! Yes, it's nice to finally meet you! Oh, god! You're so beautiful, are you sure you're the—"

She chuckled, "You're prettier Mrs. Kim."

Then a loud screech came from inside the house, and I'm pretty sure that sound came from our only daughter. Jisoo also looked towards the source of the sound.

I giggled, "Oh, that's our kid, Dahyun's probably keeping her entertained."

"Sure sounds like it."

I guided her inside the house. Everything's already set up in the living room. The interview started great, she asked a couple of basic questions, and I felt really relaxed because of the way she's conducting the interview.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Another scream cut through the room, this time, I could hear the steps coming from the garden, and Dahyun's whispers, "No, no, no..."

But it was too late, our baby girl darted towards me and hugged my waist. She's fully clothed, thankfully, but her hair looks disheveled as if she's living in the mountains, but her look was nothing compared to Dahyun who desperately tried to catch Yuri.

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