[M][TW] Enough Reasons

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Dahyun's POV

"Momo, I thought I made myself clear, I can't do this anymore." Clenching my teeth as I tried my very best to stay calm after I saw her waiting for me at my office, knowing that Sana would be here with Yuri any minute.

I know for a fact that she was here to taunt me, to try and convince me to choose her. I may be wrong with what I've done before but I can't choose her now, no matter what.

"You and I both know that what you're saying is a lie! So, Sana just brought a baby to this world, and you're suddenly whipped for her? Then you should've—"

"Don't you dare continue that sentence, Momo." I cut her off. Her tone alone made me want to punch something or someone. I just couldn't stand this mocking.

"Or what, Dahyun? What's done is done, and regardless of what happened, I'm here right now, I came back as soon as everything was cleared out!"

"I would not hurt Sana."

"You're saying that you care about her that much? Where was all this when you called me a couple of times and asked me to accompany you—"

"Shut up! That's different!" I hissed, although it seemed to make her push for more.

"Come on, baby. Don't be like this. I miss you and you know that I find you hot when you're mad like this." She moved to place her palm on top of my shoulder enticingly gliding downwards to my chest. I removed her hand as soon as I could.

"I made myself clear, Momo. We broke up, years ago. And yes, it was all my fucking fault, but you said it yourself, what's done is done. I'm with Sana now."

"Come on, we're stronger than this, Dahyunnie! We both know that you'll come back to me anyway." Hearing her say the nickname that she used to call me, ticked me even more.

"I don't know how to make myself any clearer than this. Leave before I get angrier." I was so upset by the turn of events, not to mention that I really don't want Sana to see her.

"Are you sure about that, Dahyun? That's a pretty big risk that you're betting on. Does your wife even know all of my struggles? Does she even know that you're possibly just—"

"For fuck's sake, shut the fuck up! Go back to Japan or something, I don't need this right now. Yuri needs me."

"Come to Japan with me, Dahyun. If you want, we could take Yuri with us. You know that you can do that! You don't need to stay with that wife of yours. Come back home to me. Didn't you say that I'm your greatest love?" She was pleading, and it fucking hurts. But how could I hurt the one that gave me home after all these years. Momo was my home. Was. But Sana took me in. How could I even betray her?

"Momo, listen to me very carefully." I took a deep breath so that I could make my tone softer, "I can't do this anymore, okay? Whatever we had, was one of the best days of my life. I would never ever deny that. But I have a daughter now, and I really want to make sure that she has a complete family with her biological parents. I need to. I want to do this with them."

But just when I thought that she could finally see what I'm trying to tell her, she became angrier. "You can't possibly expect me to accept that bullshit. We both know what you're thinking about right now. And it's definitely not building a life with your pretend family."

"Don't fucking say anything bad about my family."

"Why not? Hit a nerve? How did you even know that the child's yours? That slut—"

"MOMO STOP!" I think I went blind with rage, but she just didn't want to stop.

"I love you so much, Dahyun, I know that you love me too—"

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