Mama's Girl

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Dahyun's POV

When I learned that our child is a girl, I automatically thought that she would be a Mama's girl. I probably would shower her with so much love and gifts, but then I realized that I don't want her to inherit all my anxiety, insecurities, weaknesses and everything that's messed up with me.

"Yuri's looking for you," Sana's head poked suddenly by the doorway, while I'm lost in my thoughts.


"She said that she would not want to take a bath if you won't join me." Sana giggled.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming." I sighed and stood up from my seat, and I found that Sana's waiting for me.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Just thinking about not wanting Yuri to be a mama's girl. You know? I don't want her to have all of my bad traits and all that. I'd rather her have all your traits and kindness." I could see that Sana was a little taken aback by what I said. "When she came out and she looked like half you and me, I was pretty scared that she would end up with all my problems. I don't want her inheriting the awful genes that I have. Less me and more you would have been better."

"Don't say that." Sana frowned.

"You can't deny it, Sana. You also know that I'm not the best influence out there."

Sana placed both of her hands on my shoulder, encircling my neck. "But I like who you are now." Which made me smile a little bit. "And I thought you're smart? Of course she would be half me and half you, she's our kid. No matter what she looks like, she would always be half you inside. Plus do I really need to tell you how worthy you are of love? Despite everything, despite what you think of yourself, Yuri would always look up to you. And what you decide to do in the future would affect her more than what you did in the past."

"You're just saying that." I looked down.

"Why would I make that up? You've been a great parent to her. I would never make it without you, babe. Please remember that. And you know that being a mama's girl doesn't mean that she would have your bad memories."

"It doesn't?"

Sana shook her head, "All it means is that she's more attached to you, Dahyun, and that's because she loves you, so, so, so, so, so much."

I looked at her eyes, looked for any clue that says that she's lying, but I didn't find one. I grinned.

"You're a little jealous, aren't you?"

Sana rolled her eyes. "You wish."

We reached Yuri's room and she's currently drawing something on her mini work table. When she got home from school, she immediately asked me to buy her a mini table for her homeworks, and I remember thinking how the hell does a three year old kid have homeworks already?

But then, I instantly called Chaeyoung and asked me to buy one as soon as possible.

Later that night, it was delivered and Yuri was so delighted when she saw it.

"Hi baby, are you ready to take your shower?"


"Tsk! You're being ridiculous right now, babe." I said, as I walked towards our bedroom door.

"How am I being ridiculous? You're the ridiculous one!" Sana yelled back.

Lately Sana's on edge for some reason, and she mostly questions my parenting style with Yuri. We tried our very best not to let Yuri know about our arguments., but during times like these, I know that we might need to go before we disturb her sleep.

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