[M][TW] Darkness

713 26 4

Sana's POV


"Mommy, what time will Mama come home? I want to play with her!" Yuri shouted as she got impatient. Dahyun was taking a long time to go home. I tried contacting her, but it just went through her voicemail.

"Such an impatient kid just like her mama." I muttered under my breath, then I heard a thud outside. "Wait here, baby."

And as soon as I opened the door of our house, a bloody Kim Dahyun collapsed on the floor. I felt my heart drop the same time that she did and I screamed. So hard and so loud.

No, no, no, no. What the hell happened to my wife?!

"Babe? Babe! What happened! Help! Please call 911!" I crouched beside her and tried to check up on her as I instructed the maids that immediately responded to my screams, but Dahyun lifted her hand and told the maid to stop.

"Don't. I'm fine. I'm not hurt. I'm— tired."

I don't know how to react to what she said but Dahyun did not lie, she was not hurt, she doesn't have a wound, but she's covered in blood. "Whose blood is this, Dahyun?" I asked, trembling.

"Nothing you should concern yourself with."

"What the hell! You came home all bloody and you scared the hell out of me, and you're saying that I should not be worried? Just what did you do this time?!"

"Typical Sana. You always expect the worst from me. I'm not sure you would want to know what really happened." She struggled to stand up, and walked inside the house.

"Of course, I'd want to know! I'm your wi—"

I remained crouching on the floor, and as soon as Dahyun neared the stairs, it was the same time that Yuri reached the end of it, and she's now looking at her mama with confusion.


I stood up in alarm. My kid does not deserve to see something like this. I snatched her up and made her turn around. "Mama played with red paint, that's why she's covered in red, honey. Let's go upstairs, okay?"

"Can I play too?"

"Absolutely not!!" I yelled angrily, and it was too late for me to realize that. Yuri was shocked by my intense reaction and started to cry. "Sshh shhh, I'm sorry. Mommy's sorry. It's almost midnight baby, let's just play tomorrow, okay?" I tried soothing her, rubbing her back, but she just continued crying.

I am out of my mind here. My wife went home full of blood, and my kid saw it. She's now crying because I yelled at her and now I can't help but cry too as I walked towards the stairs so that we could get back up.

As soon as the tears started to fall, Yuri stopped crying, and buried her face on my neck. "I'm sorry, Mommy. Please don't cry."

"Oh, baby. Mommy's not mad. I just— I love you so much. And... and we need to sleep now, okay?" My heart hurts. I am so confused about what just happened and at the same time, I'm so scared of what will happen next. I'm scared for our safety.

Can I still trust Dahyun?

But who am I kidding? Since I realized that I love her, and she told me that she loves me, I never doubted her and her devotion for Yuri and me. It's just that, this time, instead of running away, I want to know what really happened.

I don't know what she did to me, but she made me fall for her so desperately.

A couple minutes after we reached Yuri's room, I heard our bedroom door open and close, indicating that Dahyun went inside. I wanted to go to our room and talk to Dahyun right now, but I need to make sure that Yuri's asleep first, so I tucked her in bed and sang her a lullaby.

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