Yours and Mine

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Third Person's POV // Dahyun and Momo's past

Dahyun met Momo outside the coffee shop. She thought that Momo looked really pretty today, per usual. She exudes a very aristocratic feel. Her dark hair shined, astonishingly smooth and reflective despite its dark shade. She saw me and smiled at me.

She was really nice. Super nice.

I don't know why but I kissed the hand that she offered, and it shocked her. It really feels so out of place. Should she have kissed her cheek instead? Or hugged her? She really has no idea. Everything seems to be very backwards when it's about the two of them.

Momo blushed and Dahyun thought that it made her prettier. Taking note of how much she wanted to make her blush more.

This could work; it had to work. She repeated to herself every time that they saw each other. But it is somehow proving easier than expected.

They enjoyed the cake and the blended drinks that were served to them, and she can't help but feel a little at peace.

"My mom has a lot of opinions about our decision to postpone the wedding and just to get to know each other more. I worry that I might burst in anger if she continues to push me."

Dahyun offered her a small smile over a spoonful of her cake.

Being with Momo in this coffee shop— having a date with her and talking about their pending marriage, seems surreal to her, even if there are a lot of people craning their necks to get a glimpse of us.

"I'm sure that it will work out in the end." she said, careful with her words.

Momo's shoulder fell indicating that she was expecting Dahyun to say something more. "But," she tried, "I'm sure that they will understand us once they get to see us together more? I guess they are just concerned if we would back out?" she didn't mean it to sound like a question.

Momo set her spoon down, "I don't— I don't really care about all that."

"The— the date, then?"

"Could we try something?" Momo asked instead. Her lips pursed as she watched Dahyun.

"What would you like to try?"

"Can we date for real?"

Dahyun didn't let her emotions take over. It wasn't that she doesn't want to date this pretty girl, it was more of the nerves. She was afraid to actually mess it all up, because for some reason she really enjoys her presence.

"At some point, I think this will happen, right?" Momo asked shyly.

Dahyun reached for her hand, "I'd like—" she started, trying to find the right words. "I'd like for us to try and I'll make everything special— if I can."

Momo's eyes softened with her answer. Then she said, "Love is never what we expect it to be, right?" she continued holding her hand and she looked at it while she continued, "It's bizarre, enigmatic, and doesn't make sense most of the time. People made a lot of songs about it, a lot of poems and declarations, and even changed their lives for it. I hope that we have that kind of love."

It changed their lives indeed.


Dahyun's POV // Earlier that night

It was dark when I pulled up the driveway and it's raining so hard. But it's not the reason why my stomach sinks. It's too late to be coming home but I don't think it's fair if I spend another night away from Sana. I don't want her wondering if I'm okay. But maybe she's not even wondering at all.

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