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Sana's POV

People always want a happy ending. Many stories and fictions have a happy ending, and people always prefer the one that ends happily. Justice wins, everyone is safe and happy. Or, a farewell between friends is not necessary, where there is a chance that they can be together forever.

Perhaps, people prefer this because they know that attaining this in real life rarely happens, if not, impossible.

I definitely want a happy ending. I want Dahyun to wake up, and tell me that this is all a bad dream. I want her to know that I will love her until the end of time. That I would always support her. A happy ending where Dahyun could teach Yuri how to play the piano, as we watch her grow into a beautiful human being.

I want her to know that the moment that she proposed to me, was the best moment of my life. That every second that I spent loving her is always exciting. The happiness that I get as soon as I hear her voice, or when I see her as she walks through the door is unimaginable. The way she smiles turns her eyes into slits, the way she speaks, the way she loves us— everything about her is so dear to me, and all I want is to be with her forever.

But I know that in this reality, sad endings are inevitable.

I don't want her to leave me. I want to be with her.

But in the end, stories and tales, no matter how much we wanted them to last forever would eventually end. People have places to be, and places to go.

And our love story is definitely not a fairy tale.

Many people also believed the axiom that "people cannot change", and thus have little faith in humanity.

But in the midst of this peculiar relationship that I have with Kim Dahyun, I learned to believe that people can really change. I believed in her. In the midst of this peculiar situation, I placed my faith in her and she pulled through.

She was able to show me how beautiful broken people are.

That they are worthy of being loved.

That they are not just their broken pieces.

I thought that if I set boundaries, if I tell myself that all of these would be over, that I'll be able to pull away, to leave and to walk away. But the moment that I fell in love with her, that's when I realized that I'm in this forever.

But fate has other plans. It seems to be intent on destroying the plan that we have.

To grow old together.

I literally don't understand the meaning of the words scribbled on the clipboard that the nurse holds. As I looked at my wife's broken body in front of me. I feel selfish, because somewhere in this hospital, Dahyun's friends and family are hurting as much as I am, yet I'm eating up all of the visitor's time, holding Dahyun's hand, begging between kisses that fall on unresponsive lips that it all be a bad dream.

"Let me have you a little longer, babe. Please." I whispered to her over and over.

Everyone was restless, a few of her staff visited, some offered kind words to me, while some left fruits or flowers. I want to smile, because I know that it's the sort of thing that would make Dahyun happy. But I can't smile, sometimes, I leave the room in search of privacy. Hours ticking by, monitor beeping sounds can be heard, and everyone can see in my brown eyes that I've been crying.

I've been crying, even if Yuri could see me.

She's been strong through it all. Making me feel that I'm still not alone no matter what happened. It seems unfair to her that at a young age, she would be the one who I leaned on, instead of the other way around. She fell into a routine of saying her good mornings to her Mama every day, and talks to her as if they really have a conversation on their own.

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