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Momo's POV

"Oh, hi baby! You're so cute! Who are you with?"

"Kaya! Oh my god! Thank you!" Suddenly a tall attractive woman came rushing towards me and rubbed the dog's head that I'm holding. She must be the owner of this dog. "I'm sorry," she apologized as she took the cute dog from my arms.

"No, no, it's fine! I love dogs, and I am planning to adopt one soon," I replied to her as I continued to pet her very well behaved dog.

"Really? Well, that's good to know! I must get going, I don't want to take more of your time." she said.

"It's okay, at least I got to meet your very cute dog." I smiled at her as she placed the dog back on the floor and placed the leash back on. "Bye bye, Kaya! And bye, Miss?"

"Dr. Chou," she said, offering her hand for me to shake.

"I'm Hirai Momo." I smiled at her.

"I know."

I don't know what makes me feel this way, but I felt warmth take over my body just because of those two words. Maybe because she did not make it like a big deal like everyone else. Or maybe because she really is very cute... no, her dog is cute.

"I'll get going then," she said as she walked backwards.

"Okay, I— take care, Dr. Chou!"

I turned around the other way with a smile on my face for the first time because of a stranger after Dahyun and I's failed relationship.

It was funny, how my life is divided into parts. Pre-Dahyun, Dahyun and then post-Dahyun. And contrary to popular belief, I didn't even kiss another person post-Dahyun. And true to his word, JB was being patient. We did not even talk about his confession ever since my birthday, and I am very grateful for that.

I made a list of pros and cons of dating JB, here it goes:

Pros: Handsome, smart, always there for me, knows everything about my past with Dahyun, good and bad, accepts me for who I am.

Cons: Dahyun's cousin, my best friend, could mess everything up, could lose him if everything goes to shit, Xiumin would go nuts.

I looked over at the envelope that I'm holding while I make my way towards his unit, which is only a few minutes away from the dog park.

Dahyun's not mine. She's been gone for a long time. It's time for me to let go and move on. She also looks happy with her wife. And if I don't, I'll be alone forever. JB is a good person, maybe not a saint, but he's been good to me. And he did make me feel something on my birthday. I felt my heart melt with him.

However, everytime I close my eyes, I still see fair skin and a beautiful nose in my fantasy. I didn't see JB's face, and I was afraid that it wouldn't change. And if it doesn't, how am I supposed to maintain an intimate relationship with him? That would be so unfair. I couldn't have sex with him, if my mind is still full of Dahyun. That was wrong on so many levels.

I know it's really ridiculous, and the two sides of my brain have been at war because of it. And as much as I want to leave my brain out of it, I can't really rely on my heart. My heart which had been shattered and stitched back together just recently, with some of its little pieces missing.

JB has given me so much, and I knew that he really cared about me. He's essentially been giving me a piece of his heart to repair my own. And that probably should be enough, right? Instead of meeting someone new who knows nothing about me, and my sufferings.

I got out of the elevator, and when I was about to turn towards JB's penthouse, I suddenly heard a very familiar voice with JB and they sounded like they're arguing.

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