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Yuri's POV

I must say that I love being an older sister to Yuna. She just started Kindergarten and I'm in my fourth year in grade school. Mama said that it's my job to wait for her and help her since she was enrolled in the same school as I am. And I am very much happy to do that.

Sometimes, I went to our doctors to talk about stuff about our family, and I liked it there. I sometimes cry when I think about that time when mama almost died because of me, but my parents always showers me with love and also tells me that I would understand them when I grow up. But I don't think I would need to wait that long because having Yuna as my baby sister made me realize that as long as there's someone you love, you'll definitely do everything to keep them safe and make them happy. Although I must admit that she's sometimes a pain in the butt— Oops! Don't tell mom!

Much like today, I was waiting for Yuna to finish playing with her friends, when suddenly a fight broke out. I ran towards the crowd and I was shocked to see my baby sister in the middle of it. There were no teachers around at the time and I was forced to make my way inside the circle.

The other girl was screaming, "Let go!" to Yuna who was pulling the other kid's hair that was way larger than she is.

I managed to reach them and said, "Hey, hey... Yuna. What's going on? Please release her hair."

As soon as she saw my face she suddenly shouted, "Unnie!" then burst into tears and released the other girl's hair. And not a second later I found her hugging me fiercely as she possibly could. But as soon as Yuna turned around, she was attacked by the same kid. It was a good thing that I was able to shield her away from it.

"Yah!" I shouted at the little girl, and then when she was unable to hit Yuna, she suddenly cried out loud too.

I ignored her and crouched in front of my sister, "Are you okay?" I panicked because I don't like it when she's crying.

That was the time when the teacher came to the rescue.

The other girl looked smug and approached the teacher saying that it was Yuna who attacked her first, my sister started to cry harder, and my panic surged again. The teacher looked rather worried at the scene, because she probably knows who we are. "It's okay, unnie is here." I whispered to Yuna as I hugged her.

But I was shocked when she suddenly whispered back, "I'm okay, I just need to cry so that the teacher won't scold me."

I barely stopped myself from laughing. Of course, Yuna was playing them. She has spent enough time with mama's friends that made her knowledgeable in confusing people.

I picked her up and pretended that she's still crying.

The teacher asked the kids around who started the fight, and talked to them one by one. And since Yuna was the smaller one, it is most likely that they will side with us.

Suddenly, the girl's parents arrived, "What did that girl do to my baby?" the mother said dramatically and shot an accusatory glare at us.

"Actually, according to the kids around, it was your daughter who started the fight. She suddenly pushed Yuna off the swing and when she was about to hit her, Yuna pulled her hair."

"That's what happens when delinquent kids are left alone with other kids! They will do something like this," she said, hugging her daughter, obviously ignoring the fact that it was her daughter who started the fight.

"Excuse me, it was not my sister who started it!"

"And why should I believe all of you? Who knows, maybe you're just nobody's kids."

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