F I F T Y - F O U R

256 14 24

Baekhyun's POV

Flowers, 15 balloons, and her favourite outfit on me. I was all prepared for her mission.

On the previous night, I couldn't sleep well. After I ended the phone call with her, I was contemplating my future choices. Yes, I was the luckiest man alive, having two wonderful women to love me with all their might. It was a blessing and a curse at the same time; I couldn't choose one.

But my wife... her voice and attitude lately brought me to the realization that the wedding vow we said was not just some empty words. We were married to each other with the reason to love and to be loved until death does us apart.

"Maybe I should come clean tomorrow," that's what I said to myself. Promising that I would be a better man- no, a better husband to her. She at least deserved to know the truths about Yoora and her pregnancy.

Yes, call me a douchebag. I cheated on my perfect wife and got another woman pregnant with my child. But Yoora and I already came to an agreement that I would only support the child without being her lover anymore. I texted her about it before Reyna called me and I learnt that Yoora would be married to another man in a month, a business arranged marriage with a CEO's first son.

I could tell that Reyna would not deal with the news easily. She might hate me, push me away, but I knew that I could bring her closer to me by time. I could try to gain her trust again, just like what I did before she started to believe me enough to walk to the altar in a white gown and vowed an "I do." We even sealed the promise with a kiss in front of our parents and hundreds of guests on that day.

I smiled alone like a mad man. Pretty excited and confident that our relationship could have a fresh start. I decided to dump one and cherish the real partner who had been waiting for me long enough. After thanking the valet, I straightened my wrinkled shirt, trying to balance out everything on my hands. She would be thrilled to see me with her gifts.

But as soon as I was about to take a step, leaving my car, I heard horrified gasps around me which quickly changed to ear-ripping screams.

I snapped my head around, watching them shrieked while pointing to something from above the building. I was not a nosy person, but my feet moved on their own, dragging me back to the tar road to join the panic.

I was about to get closer to those people when something white dropped right beside me with a loud thud and a bit of cracking sound. I was too shocked to move any muscle as the people around me stared at the fallen thing with pale faces and wide eyes.

Less than a second, more screams covered the area, and I came to my senses again, slowly turned my head to my side with shaky hands and an accelerated heartbeat. I was afraid, knowing that the fruity smell from the 'thing' was all too familiar to me. Her perfume. No. No. This can't be it.

I took a coward glance near my feet and I held my breath, it was wet, covered in crimson blood. Some of it flowed under my soles, I could feel the warmth of the liquid and I felt light-headed.

I gathered my courage to look at the 'thing' directly as everyone around me frantically tried to get medical workers to the site. Once my eyes met with a pair of teary lifeless eyes that used to look at me with affection, I broke down.

"Fuck, no, no, no," I murmured as I threw everything in my hands aside and kneeled beside her, "No, love, open your eyes for me. Wake up, babe," I cradled her torso gently. I could feel some of her bones were not in their original positions anymore.

"Sir, do you know her?" one of the nurses asked me. I wasn't sure what he said after that. I couldn't think properly.

"She needs to stay alive. Someone calls the doctor, please. She promised me to come back home today. We have a date tonight. CALL THE FUCKING DOCTOR NOW!"

I pushed the nurse away, trying to get him to call for help. My love had to be alright again, I needed to feel her lips against mine every morning before I went to work, I needed to hug her in my sleep every night, fuck, I needed her in my life.

I sobbed uncontrollably, burying my head in the crook of her neck, didn't care that her blood soaked into the fabric that I wore. I begged, apologized, confessed my love to her, promised her tonnes of things so that she would wake up and say that it was just a prank. But she didn't respond as her body limped in my hold.

A few hands tried to detach me away from her but I slapped them away. No one could take her. She's mine.

"Fuck this, you promised me, Reyna, to be with me until we grew white hair and have our grandchildren running around our backyard," I mumbled into her ears as more manly tears trickled down her skin, "Please, I love you, I knew I was wrong, I'm sorry. I want to make it up to you, so please open your eyes, love. I need you."

After receiving silence from her for a few seconds, I forced myself to stop sobbing and kissed her cheeks, ignoring the nurses or doctors who tried to talk to me, I still refused to let them take her. I reached out for her cold hands and I realized how they wrapped securely around her bloated stomach. It was like she wanted to protect something. With that thought echoed in my mind, I held my breath.


My brain worked at its full capacity as my eyes trailed down to her lower region area where the blood gathered the most.

I hesitantly brought my sight back to her face, recognizing her facial features that appeared so calm with a mixture of sadness and happiness. The corners of her lips raised slightly but her eyes were glassy. She's glad to leave me?

"You were pregnant, Reyna, aren't you?"

No answer. Just a pair of lifeless eyes, staring at the blue sky.

"Why are you doing this, love? Our child.."

A new wave of tears threatened to brim in my eyes and my heart immediately clenched into a hellish pain as my vision became blurry and the last thing I heard was your voice, softly whispering,

"Sorry, but don't blame me. You made me do this."

And the next thing I knew, my body collapsed on her, sharing my warmth with her for the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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