F I F T Y - T W O

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I asked Yura to leave me alone despite of her practically on her knees, begging for me to at least say something regarding her pasts with my husband. I pushed her away as she tried to hug my legs while wailing for me to do something for her.

"Please, free Baekhyun from this marriage. He needs me more than he needs you," that is what she sobbed at me, making me clenched my fist on my chests. It's painful to listen to her inconsiderate words.

I folded my legs, sitting comfortably on the bench, trying to regain composure from the previous event with that unwelcomed woman. I needed a plan for my future, my OWN future.

I sighed in despair as I fished my phone out of the patient gown. Yes, I had to contact a few people, starting with the managers of Chateau Cafe and Ray le Arte, my wingmen who always got my back in making sure that my business goes well even when I'm not around to monitor everything.

Next step, I dialled my father-in-law's number, another man who cherishes me when I'm feeling down, my shield during Byun family gathering.

"Woah! What an honour to have a busy beauty calling me personally like this," that's how he greeted me as soon as he picked up the call.

"Stop flattering me, please. I did text you from time to time, didn't I? Don't make me look like a bad guy," I chuckled along with the old man, enjoying his company even though we're physically far from each other.

"Sorry, I failed to be a gentleman for a few seconds. Cut me some slack, Reyna. This house is too dull without my sons and their wives. I miss you a lot," then he shared about his new interests, complained about his bossy wife, cracked jokes here and there, making me all smiles from ear to ear. 

"Now tell me something, Reyna. My instinct is telling me that you call me not for listening to my rants. What is it that you have to say? You can always tell your problems to me, y'know," his voice softened immediately.

"Nothing. Really. I just need someone to talk with. I'll be discharged tomorrow morning and I'm alone right now. I feel bored, that's all," who I was kidding with, he could detect the melancholy vibe in my tone.

He let out a heavy breath, "Fine. As secretive as always. But you should know, Reyna, that you aren't alone. You're a human and you deserve a break too. It's unfair for you to hold your head high all the time, saying that you're fine even when you're not fine at all,"

"Thanks, dad. Really, I'll be fine soon. It's just- sometimes it's difficult for me to breathe and smile at the same time," one drop of fresh tear slid down my left cheek, "but don't worry much about me. I figured out what to do from now on."

"Reyna, you're crying aren't you. Tell-"

"Uhm, I'm sorry dad. I gotta go. I have another check-up in five," I pressed the red button and slammed my phone beside me before burying my face into my palms, bawling my eyes out for the nth time.

I was thankful to have another person to be my father to replace my biological father who only created me to be his heir for Yoo company. Baekhyun, sometimes I wished for you to inherit your father's attitude and morale instead of taking after your mother's.

When your name popped out in my mind, I picked up the phone again and scrolled down my contacts, found your name and called you. I wiped my tears away and got ready to change my mood from gloomy to cheery.

"Love, what's wrong? Missing me already?" you laughed at the other side of the line and I let out a soft giggle.

"Yes, I'm alone now," I grabbed the fabric on my thigh with a shaky hand, "but nevermind, you'll come back for me tomorrow."

"Should I stay back there for tonight? I can bring you your supper, tell me what you want to eat, I'll buy it," 

"No, it's okay. Just sleep at home but I do have a request for tomorrow. You better prepare for it tonight or else you're gonna forget bout it later," it's been awhile since I gave you little missions like this, we used to do it a lot back then.

I could hear the rustles of the comforter as you sat up on our bed at home, "Ok I'm up. Spill the mission, love."

"Can you come over next morning, wearing the same outfit that you wore when we first met a few years ago?" my heart ached at the memory that flooded in my mind.

"The button-up tee and black jeans? I have to dive into our closet for those fit," your lips must be pouted based on the tone of your voice, and I bit my lower lip to stop myself from smiling.

"That's why I told you that you should prepare it tonight. But can I add another detail, please?"

"My little darling wants to be spoiled so badly, aren't you? Fine, add on everything that you want while I'm being kind now. I'll get back to you in the future. Don't try to escape the missions by making cute face or giving kisses. I won't take back my words," you were walking towards the closet as you nagged at me, probably frowning as well.

"Sure, sure, sure. I'll do the mission," I laughed softly, didn't expect for you to sulk because of it, "Bring me white chrysanthemum, will you?"

"Flowers? That's an easy one. Anything else?"

"Bring yourself," I laughed and you did too. I will miss this, I surely will.

The laughter slowly faded into a silence, "Reyna, are you there? Love?"

"Thanks for everything Baekhyun. Sorry if I can't provide you a perfect marriage life. I owe you a lot and I don't know what I should do to repay you back. Whatever it is, I just want you to know that I love you, so much that it hurts sometimes. I love you, I really do,"

"Hey wait a min. You don't owe me anything, love. I think I should really stay with you there tonight. Wait for me. I'll be there in 20 minutes," I could hear you opened the bedroom door in a rush.

"No please. I'm fine. I just feel a bit sentimental right now. Please don't come here tonight. You need to complete your mission for tomorrow, aren't you?" I forced myself to sound happy.

"But, love-"

"I'll wait for my man to come with my white chrysanthemum tomorrow morning. Don't disappoint me. Have a good night. Love you, bye," and I hung up.

Meet you tomorrow, Baekhyun.

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