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I didn't say even a thing after you spitted out those two questions between your dirty lips.
I guess that I didn't give a damn anymore so I hung up on you.
Inwardly hoping that you would feel the anger and pain of being ignored or rejected.

I wanted to build a new character in me.
A rebellious yet Goddess looking Yoo Reyna wasn't a bad idea at all.

I smirked as I raced down the stranded road in my gorgeous black Range Rover. Playing around the gass every now and then as the engine roar under the control of my feet.

I unconciously released a big gust of breath that I unknowingly held as I pulled in into the garage. Relieved by the fact that your red Lamborghini wasn't there.

A word that slipped into my mind as soon as I knew that you weren't home.
I skipped around in my heels like a 7 years old child who just got a rainbow lollipop from her mother.
I failed to contain the happiness in me. It was so fun, so tempting to break loose from your demonic grasp.
Perhaps, my whole existance already erased you.

I punched in the password and marched into the dark living room with a chesire smile.

But those euphoria was found dead in a hitch when a raspy voice broke the gravely silence around me.

"Home sweet home.. whore."

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