F O R T Y - O N E

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My heart was banging against my chests as the adrenaline rushed into my system. The fuming anger didn't chill down even after 10 minutes I drove away from Chateau Cafe. The rage in me was no joke.

"Ugh.. why the heck that my head is pounding as well? One of the proofs that Lee Jaehwan is a living headache to me. Toxic."

I sped up on the road, so eager to reach your office and snuggle on your wide shoulder. The calming effect from your presence around me had become a pleasant drug to me.

"You look so pale, Mrs Byun."

A soft lady-like voice greeted me while I walked in front of a registration desk on the 12th floor. It sounded quite familiar to me.

"Oh my goodness! Holy moly! What are you doing here, Yura?"

Yura or Kim Ahyoung strutted towards me in her elegant strapped heels and gave me a peck on my cheek. Her eyes sparkled with happiness as her hands reached out for mine.

"I work here. Mr Byun offered me to be his PA after his previous one left."

I couldn't help myself but frowned at her. Aren't she staying in New York? But I managed to control my expression after 3 seconds of awkward silence. I bet that she caught my uneasy feeling; it felt so obvious.

"I guess that my dearly husband forgot to tell me about that. Anyway, is Baekhyun in his room right now?"

"Yes but he informed me that he doesn't want anyone to-"

"I'm his legal wife and I don't obey rules all the time. So, adiós amigo."

I left her with a playful wink and the fake smile washed away from my face the second I turned my back on her.

I knew so well that there was nothing for me to be jealous about but still, I was wondering on why didn't you say anything about Yura to me. We had so many nights that we spent on discussing about work issues and you didn't bother to mention about her to me even once.

"Get a grip on yourself, Byun Reyna. Your husband has changed for the better. Don't think negatively about him anymore. Calm your ass down."

Words of encouragement flooded my mind as I made my way to your room. After a light knock on your door, I entered your room.

"Yura, I told you that-"

"It's only me, honey."

"Oh, it's you. What are you doing here, love? Feeling bored staying at home?"

"I went to my cafe. Eunwoo needed me to settle a few things up. I'll go to my art gallery this afternoon. Only after we have our lunch together."

I moved your files aside and sat on the table with my body facing you. I pulled you by your tie and smooched you on your nose, leaving a faint scarlet traced of my H. Couture lipstick.

"That's such a smooth way of asking for a lunch date. I'm impressed."

Your arms circled around my waist and suddenly in one quick move, it was me who sat on the leather chair with you hovering above me. I squealed in shock as you laughed quietly upon my reaction.

"Byun Baekhyun! You surely love to do that a lot nowadays. Gosh!"

"Sorry. That's what you got for staring at me intensely. You tried to seduce me, weren't you?"

I shook my head in disbelief. I didn't even try to put a sexy act or anything. I started to blush as you eye-fucked me sensually. In seconds, I started to blush.

"Change of plan. We should stay here during lunch break. I'd rather have you as my meal. What do you say?"

"Lemme be your waitress for the day, My Byun. The service will be given based on your command. What would you like me to do?"

Your hands glided down my waist before you carresed my cheek, making me lean into your warm hand with my eyes closed in unexpected pleasure. Your body warmth radiated to me as you narrow down the gap between us before your husky voice started to dominate my upcoming behaviour.

"Rule number 1, do not cum until I say so."

"Okay. I'll manage."

"Rule number 2, do not touch me unless I tell you to do so."

"That's too-"

"Are you going to disobey me, kitten?"

"I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted. And the last rule, call me daddy."

"Alright.. daddy."

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