F O R T Y - S I X

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Morning dew mixed in the air, greeting me along with the soft snores which I missed. I opened my eyes and a smile decorated my pale lips. Your fluffy hair brushed against my left palm as you sleep soundly beside my bed.

"Morning, honey."

I wanted to wake you up. I felt sorry that you had to sleep like that for one whole night. But watching you sleep is secretly a thing that I love to do. You sleep exactly like a baby; untouchable and free from the world's harms.

"Enjoy scanning my handsome face?"

"Oh gosh! You scared me!"

And you jumped a bit as I slapped you slightly on your cheek. You kissed my hand and stretched your muscular body, blabbering about your aching joints for crouching in sleep for hours.

"Need a help with those muscles? I'll give you a massage. Come here."

"Nope. I'm good," I looked away from your face as you scrunched your nose, shaking away the sleepiness, "What bout you? You skipped a few meals since yesterday. Famished?" 

"Hmm.. not really. A cup of hot mild coffee will do," I breathed in your sense as you leaned in closer before you planted a peck on my forehead. It's sweet.

"I'm making you nervous, huh?" you chuckled as the machine beside me went crazy. I mentally cursed my honest heartbeat, "No coffee for you today. Caffeine won't do. I'll get you porridge."

I stared at your broad back as you walked out of the door, promising that you would be gone for 5 minutes, no more nor less. You shut the door with a mini-wave and beagle smile tugged on your lips. I giggled at that and did the same.

I did a few movements, didn't enjoy the soreness that attacking every nook and crook of my body. I was aware of the fact that I wasn't conscious for almost 20 hours. How worried you were during those hours?

A soft knock on the door startled me, "May I come in?" a soft familiar voice caught my attention.

"Oh! It's you. Come in, come in," I tried to hide the almost-forming frown on my forehead, covering it with my hair, "What's that for?"

She eyed the wheelchair that she brought along into the room before flashed me a shy smile, "Want to join me touring the hospital floors, Mrs Byun?"

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