T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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"Morning, love."

A husky voice greeted me as soon as I stretched out my sore body. I smiled and quickly faced an angel in disguise who was looking at me with a sassy smirk.

"Morning, gorgeous."

"Hey! 'Handsome' sounds better. Gorgeous is for senorita like you."

You circled your arms around my torso and pushed me down onto the mattress in one swift move. I blinked in shock after I found myself laying underneath you.

"Such a pair of powerful arms you have there, Mr Byun."

"Thanks for the compliment, Mrs Byun. Want me to show you how strong I am in another part of me?"

Warm fingers stroked my inner thigh in no time and I gasped in air immediately; resulting you to suck in your laugh by biting your lower lip.

"Hmm.. that's such a tempting offer. But no."

"Oh but the options here are 'YES' or 'YES' my love. Pick one."

One finger entered my private spot down there with no warning and I grabbed the mattress urgently. A soft moan escaped from my vocal chord and you chuckled in satisfaction after hearing that.

"Mr Byun, your way of negotiating thing is horrible. Options are suppose to be different."

I clenched on my teeth as you moved your finger in me slowly, yet sensually. My heart started to go frantic as your gaze pierced through my soul.

"But you're playing my game and you need to go by my rules. Awhhh.. please.. play along with me."

You talked cutely like a toddler and even pouted but heck, your finger worked even faster as you spurted out every word.

"That's not how- AHHHH BAEK!"

I shut my eyes as you pressed your thumb on my clitoris. The pleasure was too much that I couldn't even create a simple sentence in my mind.

"What is it, love? You didn't finish your sentence."

I tried so hard to reply but nothing came out in my mind. The only sound that I made turned out to be sexy moans.

"Well.. I can see that you don't want to converse with me anymore. I can't help it then."

Climax was getting nearer and I almost smacked you on your head when you stopped finger-fuck me. I opened my eyes instantly and gapped at you, still found it hard to breathe properly.

"Why are you giving me that look? I can see fire in your eyes, love. Did I do anything wrong?"

My cheeks flushed in a faint shade of pink as my eyes met yours. You flashed me your evil smile and started to get off me. But before you could lift your whole body from mine..

"OH MY GOD! Just fuck me Byun Baekhyun."

You laughed,
You pecked my lips once,
You pinched my harden nipple playfully,
And you said,
"It's my pleasure to do so, Byun Reyna."

Just like that, we started our effective morning exercise for hours (on bed).

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