F O R T Y - E I G H T

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I couldn't stop crying even when the lift stopped right at my floor. I could feel the confused stares from the nurses, visitors and patients when I wheeled myself passed them. I was broken inside, knowing that I had no confidence at all about my relationship with you. I knew that there was nothing for me to be afraid of. Yura was only your friend and worker while me, I'm your legal wife for years.

I went to the ladies, washed my face, gurgled my mouth, tidied up my hair and smiled to my reflection in the mirror. I shouldn't be immatured now. I had to be rational.

The moment that I turned at the corner towards my room, I bit my lower lip to suppress a giggle. It's funny to see your panicked face when you saw me.

"Oh my God! There you are! I thought that you escape the hospital," a pair of warm hands embrace me tightly and I felt choked again. Tears were quickly brimming in my eyes. Yes, this is it. You're mine, definitely mine.

"I'm sorry. I was bored. I took a tour," I tapped out of your hug and kissed the back of your hands. It wasn't a lie. At least I did make a tour.

"You're not well, fainted for hours and here you are, touring the hospital all alone right after you awake, only because you're bored. I can't believe you," you rolled your eyes at that and I bit the inner side of my cheeks, feeling guilty for making you more tired than you should be.

"Spare me, will you? You can continue with the nag after we get into my room. Feed me first," I pouted and you pinched my lips while nagging again about me trying to escape that situation by making cute face.

* * *

"Have you met the doctor yet?" you asked me suddenly. Your hands were busy preparing my porridge in which I could do on my own. I didn't break my hands.

"No. No doctor nor nurse came into my room after you went out. I want to discharge today," I sighed while fiddling with the hem of your white shirt.

"You'll discharge when the doctor allows you to do so. I'll call in the doctor after you eat your breakfast, all of it, no compromise," he threatened me and eyed me from the corner of his eyes. I plopped down on my pillow upon hearing that.

"I can't finish all of that and you know that too. You're an evil," my words made you burst into a fit of laughter.

"Relax. You only have to chew and swallow. I'll feed you. It's not that hard to finish your food.I only bought beef porridge, a quarter of samgyetang, and kimchi jiggae. They're delicious, not too salty nor too spicy," you set up the table with three huge bowls and I scoffed in disapproval at that. It's too much for me, extremely too much.

"Can't we just eat together? Aren't you hungry too?" I scooped some porridge and offered a mouthful of it to you, lifting one of my eyebrows as a warning to not letting you refuse.

Just like that, you ended up scarfing down everything for me. My entire appetite had been messed up pretty badly. Even the delicious samgyetang couldn't pass my throat.

"It must be the medicine. Buy me samgyetang again once I discharged, will you?" you only nodded at my theory about my changed in appetite.

"Hey, I have to tell you something. I actually need to attend a meeting in 2 hours. Can you manage yourself alone?" you took my hands in yours apologetically.

"Am I a child? Don't worry about me," I handed you your coat and kissed you lightly, "Can you call the doctor for me on your way out? I don't want to stay here until tomorrow."

"Sure, love," you gave me one pinched on my cheek and one small hug, "Take care. I'll be back right after my meeting," and you went out of my room, leaving me with the lingering feeling of love.

Thanks Byun Baekhyun, for making me feels insecure about us again.

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