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A week with no appearance of you. I locked myself in Indulgence Room, my painting room.

A room that you used to come in only to distract me from painting too long during weekends.

I laid down on the long couch by the window, staring at the starry night sky with calming breeze brushed lightly against my skin.

I remembered how you would be pouting, sulking when I told you to wait outside for an hour or two just to finish my masterpiece.

I remembered how you would fed up and tackled me to the ground with fits of playful laughter that later echoed throughout the whole house as I ran away from your naughty grasps.

I remembered how we would end up making out in the kitchen or laundry room or our bedroom or living room or garden.

Back then.. all of those ethereal memories were happened back then.

On the night you raped me, I saw no love in your eyes. Only lust.. and anger.. and hatred.

Oh dear heart.. why aren't you tough anymore?

Beads of tears fell out from my swollen eyes again that night, synchronized with the raindrops that suddenly pouring out to wet the ground.

Perhaps the nature knew what I was feeling.

Unlike you. A total selfish dumb moron.

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