T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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The first night was well spent there and I had nothing to complain about. I smiled all alone like an idiot on the next morning, feeling happy and sore at the same time. 

"He went to work already,"

I sighed in a hint of disappointment but the frown on my face didn't linger for long. Once I walked into the kitchen, there's a note with your neat handwriting on it. I noticed there was something else beside the kitchen counter.

"Morning! I made you breakfast. You sleep so well that I can't bring myself to wake you up. See you later, love. Don't miss me too much."

I could almost hear his voice saying all those words to me. It was perfect. Knowing that he enjoyed my company last night too. My limbs and lower region of my body screamed pain every time I walked around but I ignored them.

I couldn't remember of feeling any pain last night though. The only thing that I knew is that I wanted you to hold on to me as tight as you can and leave no space between us. Never knew that those grasps and bites really marked my skin in different shades of grey and blue.

I inwardly praying that the room is sound proof. I came a lot last night that made you teased me, saying how I failed to resist your thrusts for too long. I blushed, of course.

Lunch hour was nearing and I was bored, changing channel every now and then to find any movie to be watched but I ended up watching How to Train Your Dragon 3; sobbing at certain scenes.


I didn't take a peek at the phone screen as I answered the call, still occupied with the mixture of sadness and happiness from the movie.

"Hel- wait! Are you crying? What's wrong? Are you lost somewhere?"

"No. I watched a movie and I cried. Ugh ignore me and my sensitive ass. So are you done with your work?"

I bit my lower lips to suppress the giggles right after you sighed out in unbelievement that I cried because of a movie.

"No, love. Sorry but I need to stay until 5,"

"But you promised me that I wouldn't get locked up in the hotel room,"

I started to jump on my feet in frustration. It was suffocating enough to stay in the room for hours.

"That's why I sent a friend to accompany you. She'll be there in 45 minutes. Doll yourself up, okay?"

My eyes lit up at the brand new info from you and I half-skipped to the dressing room. Already excited to pick an outfit to start the day.

"You won't be with me but that's fine, I guess. Stay focus at work, alright? Call me when you're bored. Don't miss me too much,"

"Hey! That's my line!"

We talked and talked while I got ready to go out with a stranger that you set up to cheer me up for a day.

When the bell rang, I eagerly grabbed my handbag. Eyeing my red trench coat, black skinny jeans, white satin knee-length blouse and crimson pumps while I sprayed some perfume on me.


A few long strides,
One pull on the door handle,
One sincere smile,
One simple introduction.

"Hello, Mrs Byun. I'm Kim Ahyoung, your shopping friend for today,"

That sweet voice that I came to adore in seconds belongs to a tall elegant Korean lady.

That sweet voice that explained nothing but kindness in the heart of the owner.

That sweet voice that I expected nothing but a pure friendship from the speaker.

And that sweet voice was the last thing that I could accuse for doing something so wrong to me in any matter.

At least that's what the naive me thought at that time.

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