T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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"What's your real feelings towards me now?"

A question that made me go dumbfounded.
A question that made me wondering who I devoted myself to.
A question that made me step on millions of rusted pointed needles.

Jaehwan smirked as he witnessed how speechless I was. I was bad at lying, as usual, a lame cliché me. I turned into a sculpture, not knowing what to say.

"So my instinct is true afterall. You still like me more than you should,"

I wanted to deny it.
I wanted to say how ridiculous he was.
I wanted to shake the topic off by laughing.
But I couldn't do anything at the moment.

I blocked my senses from everything else and watched him talk and talk in front of me, trying to make a casual conversation which I didn't listen nor participate.

Maybe I was ungrateful,
Maybe I was being a dumb bitch,
Maybe I was not in my right mind,
Maybe I was falling into him,
Which only means that I fall out of love towards you.

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