T H I R T Y - F O U R

298 14 7

"Ms. Kim, since when you know Baekhyun?"

We were walking in a mall, still only brought our handbags with us as I requested for a heavy lunch first.

"Call me Yura, please. That's my English name here," I nodded at that, "It hasn't been that long. We went to the same university back then and I happened to have one same class as Mr Byun."

Yura looked like a model and I did realize how local men there were preying her with their naughty eyes. I fixed my clothes by instinct as I was afraid they would do the same thing to me. It's just disgusting.

"It was years ago then. He told you himself that he's married to me?" 

That's the main question which had been attacking my mind since the moment that she addressed me as Mrs Byun.

"Yes. But he never shown me your picture whenever I asked him to do so. He said that it was quite private. He did describe your features though. Now I understand when he mentioned that you simply look like an angel," we both chuckled while cringed at the thought of your cheesy answer to her question.

"What else that I should know? Seems like you and Baekhyun already exchanged tons of stories. Did he badmouth me or something similar to that?"

And the conversation went on and on. We walked side by side, tried new products together, talked about girls' problems and a lot more interesting topic that I didn't get the chance to talk to someone before. Being a single child in a wealthy family made me a bit passive at times but Yura succeed in making me feel comfortable to mingle around with her.

"Care to join me and my husband for dinner? Bet that you're famish now. It has passed dinner time,"

I clung on her free hand and tugged on it slightly. I learnt that she's one year older than I am but she refused to let me call her eonnie.

"No, I can't. I have a promise with someone else. Sorry. Maybe, later?"

A light hug, a soft kiss on my cheek and she got into the cab that she hailed earlier, leaving me alone at the entrance of the mall. She wanted to help me to carry all my things to my hotel room but I insisted that I should at least do that on my own.

"Okay.. now how can I get myself back to the hotel?"

My soles were hurting and I regret immediately for wearing those pumps. I let the shopping bags plopped down randomly around me and reached out for my phone in a rush. I was so damn hungry and I needed to prepare myself to join you for dinner.

"So why a beauty is standing alone like a lost puppy?"

I looked up and saw you with your messy hair peeking from the car window. You unbuttoned your black shirt halfway, revealing your hard chests way much than you usually did. One hand on the car steering and I gawked at you who appeared like a sinful mess. A teasing smile decorated your wasted face and I smiled in no time in return as shades of pink started to visible on my cheeks.

"Hop in, love."

Gosh! Fine, that's hot as fuck!

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