T H I R T Y - S E V E N

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"Let's have a baby."

That's the sentence that had been stuck in my mind for the whole night. After one round of making love, I refused to go for another round and urged you to sleep.

I was staring at you as your face shone under the shady light from the roadside lamp. You legit looked like an angel in your sleep that I started to carress your cheek gently.

"A baby? With Byun Baekhyun? If the baby is a he, he'll take after you; your intelligent, your handsomeness, your soothing voice. He'll be a perfect baby boy that I've ever met."

A vision of Baekhyun's junior running around the house with a puppy played in my mind and I muffled my giggles into my palm. It's beautiful.

"If the baby is a she, I still hope that she'll take after you a bit. You're pretty too, perhaps prettier than me."

In some times, I asked myself why an imperfect woman like me got married to someone unreachable like you. And in those 'some times', that cold night is the time that I felt it again.

I was nothing to be compared to you.
I was basically a peasant and you were a prince.
It's nothing similar to 'you can be the straw to my berry' concept.

One common word : Insecure.
Yes, that's the truth which I afraid to confess to myself.
I was feeling insecure to the core.

But why should I feel that though?
We were happy together, weren't we?
Oh.. wait for a sec.. were we?

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