T H I R T Y - F I V E

287 9 3

"So how was your day?"

You scooped a bit of my unicorn ice-cream while asking. The dinner was pretty less in conversation.

"Pretty occupied, I guess. Your friend, Yura is nice. She fits well with me. I think that I kinda like her."

I slapped your hand away as you tried to steal another spoonful of ice-cream from me which received an eye rolled from you.

"I need a dessert too."

"Order one for yourself then. Ice-cream is BAE!"

"Why should I order one when I have it in front of me? Strip out of your panties."

What the..? Your eyes showed mischievious intention and I didn't move, still couldn't process what you commanded me to do.

"Are you ignoring your master's order, love?"

"B-but Baek, we're in public. How could I?"

"Don't make me teach you how to do it. It'll be bad. Find your way."

I bit my lower quivering lip as I slipped my hand under the table. I slowly carressed the skin in my inner thigh and in no time, the lacey texture made a contact with my fingers.

"B-baek, I don't think that I should do this."

Your sharp eyes and rigid body gave the answer away. I quickly slid the white lacey object off my legs and a smile crept on your face again.

"Here you go."

I handed you the underwear and you took it with a chuckle before put it in your pocket. I shivered once the cold air blew on my exposed cunt. You realized that and smirked.

"You should finish your ice-cream quickly, love. I need you to serve my dessert after this."

I was cowering on my seat upon hearing that.
Shit. I might scream more than I did on the previous night.
And I could feel the knot in my stomach getting tight.
And I also knew so damn well that you would fuck me undeniably right for the whole night.

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