T W E N T Y - T W O

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I gathered all my inner peace and did a quick mind-control as I walked passed the main entrance of my Ray le Arte studio right after my employees' lunch break. They were surprised upon seeing me entering the 'Dream' section. I never came without any notice to Jinhwan before. It was the first visit ever.

"Oh! You're here, Ms Rosé. Sorry for not noticing you from the start,"

"It's fine Jinhwan. Anyway, how is it going with my 'Artificial Love' collection?"

"The payment has been made and the buyer will send a truck by this evening to pick those paintings. He won't come; he said so."

"Any clue of the name of the buyer?"

"Sorry but no. He's so strict about keeping himself as an anonymous so I didn't press him any further,"

I nodded once and went to the upper floor where all the M-rated paintings were being placed one after another. The 'Artificial Love' section was already empty and I asked one of the employees to put up the new ones which I just did the night before. I gave my car key and kept on roaming around the studio in silence.

I whispered out orders to the new worker there to fix things here and there as I shuffled lazily to every section; feeling puzzled a bit at my sudden perfectionist attitude that I didn't expect to appear again. Thank goodness that she only smiled and did whatever I asked her to do.

"So you're the owner of this art gallery, huh?"

A husky voice echoed in the spacious space out of nowhere that made me startled all by myself. I could hear a soft chuckle followed right after that and somehow the voice sounded so familiar to me. I turned my torso and our eyes met.

My eyes widen in no time once I realized who that man was. I almost heard the 'click' sound when every single piece of memory came together and formed a name at the centre of my mind. 

"Hi there! Fancy to meet you again.. Yoo Reynah,"

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