T W E N T Y - S I X

356 13 1

We both were broken inside.
After such a long time, we finally be in the same page.
You cried, I cried.

This marriage was the biggest failure in our lives; that's the most horrible fact which we had to share together.

I didn't know who should I blame in this matter. People say that when it comes to marriage, there's no such thing as only one party at the wrong side; two must play in the game. What's my fault then? We never talk about it before. It's only natural for both of us to know nothing about our bad behaviour. 


I inched closer to you and sat on your lap. With no words, you circled your arms around my waist and buried your face on my neck, sobbing quietly like a little baby. I didn't know that I missed your soft childish side a lot until that moment happened.

How did you become a violent person?

What makes you change to an impatient man?

How could you, a tame beagle could rape me with no hesitation back then?

I startled a bit when you snuggled even closer to the crook of my neck. I shuddered when your hair brushed lightly against my skin, making me felt the tinglish sensation; it's another thing that I missed.

"When all of these start to happen? I lost the track,"

You mumbled against my collarbone; pressing your lips gently on it every now and then. Your raspy voice mixed into the situation very well. Your body heat radiated perfectly with mine, warming our bodies in the cold wintery weather.

"It's 6 to 8 months ago. I don't know whose fault though. You distanced yourself from me. Did I do anything wrong?"

I asked you carefully as you tilted your head even more, started to nib on my skin. My fingers tangled lousily with your silky hair, making you purred in approval of my touch.

"No, you did nothing. It was me all along, I guess. How did you cope with me? If I were you, I'd make a run for it; leaving everything behind and be rebellious,"

"That sounds just like what my Baekhyun will do,"

I poked your nose and you scrunched it cutely. Almost 3 months of seeing you acting like a beast making me forgot how a cutie you were usually.

My eyes became glassy again in no time. I choked up upon remembering everything that you did to me before. How painful it was to endure everything on my own.

"You were afraid of me, weren't you?"

I couldn't bring myself to answer that question. It was definitely a yes. The anticipatation in your eyes made it hard for me to spill the truth.

"So you were afraid. What did I do to you..?"

You hugged me even tighter and soon my dry neck became wet again. Your body was shaking in my embrace and I caressed your head, telling you that I was fine.

"I'm sorry love.. I really am sorry,"

"Shushh I know. Stop crying or I'll start crying with you,"

5 minutes passed and we stayed still. No words were being exchanged between us. Only a bit of movement from your chests as you breathed and my lips that kept on planting light kisses on your crown head.

"May I ask you something, Baek? I'm so curious about this but if it's something that you couldn't answer, then don't say anything,"

"Go ahead,"

"Who's the girl that you meet for the past three months?"

Your body turned rigid under mine and you stopped breathing too. Did I touch the wrong button?

Elders say that curoisity kills the cat... and I wanted nothing but take my words back.

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