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I was shaking non-stop, showing you how afraid I was at the moment. I couldn't even scream or plead for you to stop doing whatever you were about to do.

You pushed me against the wall and started to undo your belt with a devilish smirk on your face. You looked tempting but it was nothing more than a good quality of you on the outside.

My knees gave up and I slided down the wall, crouching on the cold marble floor in despair. My eyes were wet as you yanked my arms up, forcing me to stand firmly on my own.

"Get up, love. You have a husband to be fucked right now. That's what a wife suppose to do, right?"

I shook my head in response. After 3 years of marriage, I never knew that I would receive this kind of slutty treatment from you.

You chuckled at my gesture and pick me off the floor, letting my legs wrapped around your muscular torso in one go. I yelped at the sudden move but before I got to breath again, your lips met my cleavage.

I was a moaning mess once your fingers pushed aside my lacy underwear and slid your digits in. This time it wasn't rough; it was slow and sensual.

"Why the fuck are you so tight, love? Ready to cum huh?"

The sarcastic tone of yours were being said while you eye-fucking me. Your stare brought me into your entrance as I was getting lost into the wave of pleasure.

"B-baek.. no more. Stop or I will-"

I couldn't finish what I was about to say. Thanks to your thumb who rubbed my clit vigorously without no warning and I threw my head back with a sexy mewled that I never acknowledge I could do that.

My wall was tighten around your fingers in an instant and my hands quickly grabbed on shoulders for support. It was too much for me. I couldn't handle the tension.

"I'm going to c-cum."

You nipped on my ear upon hearing that. It was my sensitive spot and you left some love bites in seconds. When the sensation was about to release, you pulled your fingers out.

What the fuck? Is that it? I gapped at you as you wiped your wet fingers on my blouse.

"What with that devastated look, love?"

I was so close. My vagina was throbbing badly, asking for you to play with it again. Tears of frustration started to fall one by one. It was painful when I was about to cum and you stopped.

"Why are you crying? You need to cum, my love? Then beg for it. Nothing is free in this world."

Of course.. gosh you motherfucker!

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