T W E N T Y - O N E

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I didn't get what I want on that night. You waited for me to beg but I did nothing more than just staring at you in tears. My inner self screamed for my lips to ask for your touch again but my ego said no.

You let me down on the floor, flopped in an instant, too weak to stand on my two legs. You snickered once before fixed your clothes and walked out of the front door; totally forgot about me who came back home late at that time.

"You are a crazy bitch, Yoo Reynah.."

I whispered to myself as I tried to calm my racing heart. I couldn't believe that I actually had a second thought about running into your embrace again and ask you to fuck my brain out until  dawn. I sounded so pathetic but my frustration was beyond what I expected. Maybe I was addicted to your touch; I wasn't sure about it myself.

I decided to walk into my Indulgence Room; grabbing my acrylic paint and brush before pouring all my hidden emotion and feeling onto countless high-quality canvas. Euphoria scenario, dysphoria facial expression, well-dressed lady, naked man; all being mixed up into ton of masterpieces.

I was lost in myself when my iPhone rang, informing me that someone is calling. I put down my brush and moved away from my sixth canvas. I stretched up only to realize how sore my body was.


"Hello, Ms Rosé. Sorry for interrupting you right in the morning but I have something urgent to tell you,"

"It's okay Jinhwan. What's so urgent?"

"I received a call from a man 5 minutes ago. He said that he wants to buy your 'Artificial Love' collection. All of it,"

I gasped in shock. Artificial Love is the most expensive collection that  I put at my Ray le Arte studio. It's actually a series of my own pictures. A sexy one with a slight glimpse of my face. Even Baekhyun didn't know that the girl in the painted pictures is me.

"Did he say anything else?"

"Nothing. He refused to tell me his name. I should call him back in 15 minutes. He asked for your bank account number. Should I give it to him?"

It was weird. No one wanted to buy that collection because the price didn't make it worth for someone to own those 5 pictures. I bet that he really attracted to my paintings with his own personal reasons. 

I shouldn't think too much though. It's a blessing that someone ready to own them after 6 months being put up on the slightly hidden section in my art gallery studio.

"Ms Rosé?"

"Jinhwan.. sell them away; immediately."

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