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"We broke up, for good. Let's just say that we aren't meant for each other, okay?"

"Did you fall out of love first, Lee Jaehwan? Don't say no because I know that you do and I hope that the reason has nothing to do with me."

I clenched my fists under the table, swallowing all the urge to throw my coffee on his face. His brows were furrowed and he looked pretty much innocent but it didn't fool me. I knew that he was at the wrong side of lane.

"Okay, listen up. I need to explain myself before you accuse me for things that I didn't do."

"2 minutes. You have 2 minutes to spill the tea, Jae. And please, no lie."

"Actually I never really like nor love her. She swept my parents off their feet when they met her years ago and I thought that dating her wouldn't be a bad idea."

"Sounds like a playboy to me."

I cut him off and he scowled at me in dissatisfaction. What did he expect me to say? I couldn't congratulate him for finally have a girl after he left me all alone in Korea.

"No, it wasn't like that. I really wanted to try to forget you, to move on from loving you. That's why I asked her to date me. 2 months after I dated her, she said that I wasn't affectionate enough. She knew that I couldn't remove you from my mind. At that time, I realized that no one can replace you."

His head hung low as he whispered out the last sentence. If I was the young me, maybe I would cry and bring him into my embrace, saying that I don't mind to get back with him. But now I'm Mrs. Byun and I'm absolutely not a tremendous idiot.

"For whatever reason it is, I am surely against the idea of us being together again. I'm not a woman who'll lick my spit back. I'm not that low, Mr Lee."

"I know that you won't accept me after I tell you this. But please, just give me one chance. I'll fix everything. I'll fix myself, I'll fix my faults and I'll fix us."

Tears were brimming in his eyes and his ears were in hue of red. His voice was so soothing and his words were so convincing that I almost nodded my head incoherently. He was indeed the same soul who left me years ago; still an expert in using persuasive words. One of his forte that I came to dislike.

"I trusted you all my life that I even vowed to myself to get married to you once it's legal to do so. You broke my trust and you have no right to gain it again now."

I could see that my words hit him one by one. Every second that passed by, I lost control of my feelings. All the flame and ice rose up to the max that my voice started to tremble.

His glassy eyes raised to meet mine and I could see myself in his eyes. My face was full of hatred and my lower lip shook slightly. It wasn't the usual expression that I would wear.

"I'm sorry, Rey. I really am. I just-"

"If only a sorry can bring everything back to normal.. but it can't. So, enjoy your meal Mr Lee. I have important thing to attend. Goodbye."

"Rey, please.."

He reached out for my hand and I shook it off harshly. I made myself deaf as he called my name continously, perhaps attracting a few of my customers there but I couldn't care more.

His voice faded away by each step that I took..
further and further away from him..
from the man who hurted me badly before..
from the soul that I hated to the core..
from the demon who got my heart torn.

The moment that I got into my car, I finally could say a sentence that I'd been waiting to say..

"I am free."

And that's when I smiled with easy feeling of endless freedom with no guilt attached to me.

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