F O R T Y - T H R E E

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"Dammit.. Baek, this is so embarrassing."

I cowered into your embrace, wishing that I could teleport from your office to my bedroom.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry. Excuse me," Yura ran out of the room and slammed the door close.

"What just happened? Lord! I'm too embarrassed to meet her after this. Do you have any secret tunnel somewhere in here that I can use to exit your room?"

I mumbled shitty things as your fingers brushed my hair gently. Your chests rumbled when you chuckled in amusement upon seeing me panicking.

"Maybe you should go first, love. I'll ask Yura to send some files to HR department. You won't meet her on your way out."

"Then, no lunch date for us?"

I gave you my best puppy face and I might jump a bit on you in desperate. You circled me and kissed my forehead.

"I have an important meeting to be attended at 1.30. Want to tag along?"

You tried to negotiate on something that you already knew I wouldn't accept and I pouted at that, making you laughed for the nth time.

"Fine. But you have to make it up for dinner. I won't let myself getting rejected by a man all over again. Gosh, that'll be very very very humiliating."

"Alright. You have my word, love. You'll sit at the living room like a princess and I'll cook us dinner."

I tidied myself up after sealed the deal with a soft peck on your lips. I bit my lips to avoid a laughter from escaping as I recalled the moment when Yura came in.

Life with you could be just like a terrific rollercoaster ride. And for that moment, I was thankful to God for giving me you as a husband. On that afternoon, I told myself, "I wouldn't want anything more other than him in my life."

And I didn't realize that it was too early to say that kind of thing in this monstrous world.

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