T W E N T Y - N I N E

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The topic whether I still have feelings towards Jaehwan was being forgotten after he got nothing as an answer from me.

I did realize that my relationship with you was legal and I had no right to cheat on you. Well, it'll be a win-win situation if I cheat on you though.

You cheated on me with some other girls that I never knew, heck you even slept with them. I could just turn myself into a selfish whore and put a show as a revenge.

But of course I won't. Part of my heart didn't want to hurt you. Yeah.. I loved you to that extent. You had no idea about any of it. Such a shame.

But that doesn't mean that I stop from seeing Jaehwan. I met with him every now and then, just not as often as it used to be before.

"When are you going to get married? It has been ages since I attend a wedding ceremony,"

"Me? Hmm.. the bride said that she needs more time to enjoy her life as a single lady. I couldn't agree more. Being a bachelor has its own speciality,"

"What are you guys waiting for though? Being single or not doesn't really bring much difference. Sinful pleasures still can be done with your life partner,"

I pouted a bit as I waited for Eunwoo to bring my green tea frappucino. I skipped all my meals on that day. Too busy with my art exhibition.

"Yeah.. you can easily say that now. Okay, enough about me. How about you? Any plan of marrying someone?"

I almost choked on my own saliva as he blurted out the question, looking exactly like a sneaky 7 years old boy in my neighbourhood.

"I-I just don't think that I-"

And someone interrupted me.

"Here's your drink Ms Rosé. And Minjun created a new pie this morning. Perhaps you want to try it? We can put it up on weekend breakfast menu,"

For once, I almost hugged Cha Eunwoo for saving me. He came in such a perfect timing. Timw to raise his salary. Say no more.

I couldn't keep up with the lie.
I couldn't keep pretending that I'm not a married woman.
I couldn't keep quiet about my status.

It's painful at times.
It's unbearable lately.
It's too much.
And it surely only effecting me.. yes, only me.

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