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I swallowed down hard as I touched up the last details of my painting about a mother that milked her little baby.

One of the most wanted thing that I really wished to experience.

I flinched on the high stool as a loud bang occured from the main door of the bungalow.

Shit. You're home!

I dropped everything that I was holding onto.

Body was shaking, lips were trembling, legs were busy running to the corner of the room; far away from the already locked door.

Footsteps of yours could be heard from my hiding place and I rolled myself tighter and tighter.

"Don't. Please don't come in. I beg your mercy."

Those words barely came out of my throat. Only unstable whispers that I managed to do.

"Reyna! Are you in there?"

Knock after knock shook the door frame and I cried so damn hard.

Fuck! Don't hurt me! Get out!

My mind shouted.
My hands hugged my torso.
My chests tighten in an instant.
My lips shut together.
My eyes cried a river.
And I didn't stop for hours.

Not until the darkness swallowed me.

Oh gosh.. look what you did to me Mr Byun.
I was a hysteric human.

Thanks to you, I have a trauma in my life.
Trauma that you created for me would be beneficial for you now.

The question is, how will it effect me in a long term of time?

We'll see the new me together Byun Baekhyun.
Soon I will enter the game too.

And when I did, you'll be doomed.
Mark my words.

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