F O R T Y - F O U R

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Headache came again right after I buckled up in my car, so ready to act like a lady-boss in my art gallery. I spent a week in UN Village, Hanam-dong; trying to create new collection on the romantic-lustful scenery there.

I took a glimpse at my turned-on expression. I still wore that stupid smile that you gave me. It was a bummer. Sex in your office room should be interesting, right? Oh me and my dirty thoughts. Lord save me.

"You come early Ms Rose."

"Oh you're already here, Jinhwan. Good. I don't feel like eating my lunch. So let's get straight to business, shall we?"

Every collection that I drew with you as the main character had been sold in a flash. Same went to the ones which have my silhouettes or any part of my body. My income was increasing rapidly and I could not be thankful enough for that.

It took us an hour until he finally finished explaining about all the expenses and management. He's a meticulous person with an excellent personality. Definitely a man with girls' eyes around him.

"Ms Rose, you don't look that well. Maybe you shouldn't skip your lunch."

"Don't mind me. I had tuna sandwich for breakfast. I'll be fine. By the way Jinhwan, do you have a girlfriend?"

"That's quite random. Hmm..for now, nope. Just broke up last two months."

"Ooof.. sorry. I'msure that you'll find someone better for you soon. God's plan isn't too cruel, y'know."

"Yeah, sure. I rather stay single for the time being. It feels strangely nice; it's like I have no shackles around my wrists. It calls for freedom, somehow. Anyway, why did you ask me that?"

"What will you do if someone that you love cheated on you?"

I stopped on my heels and one hand lifted up to my chest reflectively. I was perplexed by my own question. Why did I say that? Why did I have that kind of question in my head? What the heck was wrong with me?

"If she's someone who doesn't worth my tears, I'll let her go. Maybe I- Ms Rose? Are you okay? Ms Rose? MS ROSE?!"

Weirdly enough, scenes after scenes that have you, me and a lady who I didn't recognise were playing right in front of my eyes. Memories were messed up, getting jumbled in confusion and I stood there, feeling horrible than ever.

But among those scattered memories, there's one that managed to gain my full attention: You stood in the middle of a desert with blood all over your hands. Your face strained in tears while your mouth trembled, struggling to whisper a painful "sorry" to me.

It made me nauseous and the next thing I knew, I puked my breakfast all over the poor boy who tried not to show his disgusted face to his employer. Yeah, my day couldn't go any worse than that. Fuck me and my sick fate.

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