T W E N T Y - F O U R

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It was awkward, at least for me. The guy who sat in front of me seemed so relax and laid back just like how he always did in the past. He didn't really change even a bit. He's still the same Lee Jaehwan that I dated before.

"I never know that you are the owner of Ray le Arte. I thought that it was a coincidence that the 'Artificial Love' paintings look just like you,"

"Y-yeah. I painted them randomly though. So how do you know that it was me? No one recognised my features in all my collections,"

I stirred the strawberry milkshake, trying my best to look busy in order to avoid to make any eye contact with him. I decided to act as casually as I can. I should at least appear more polite than I was.

"Honestly, I don't know how but my instinct said so. You really love art, aye?"

He chuckled while looking at me through his eyelashes and I stopped breathing immediately.I hate to admit that his breathtaking gaze was dominating me again like how it always did a few years ago. But then I shook my head a bit with a visible smirk on my face, feeling funny at how immatured my reaction was. I wasn't a young teenager to act like that. Fool.

"Getting involve with art works is nice. The time passes by unnoticingly. It's calming,"

"That's another way of saying 'I want to escape from reality', right?"

My heart tugged harshly at his accurate guess. A sigh escaped as I brought my eyes to my fingers which were fidgeting on my laps. He never failed to read me.He said that I am an open book to him which is a rare case because everyone says that I can hid my real emotion extremely well when I want to.

"So you have a problem and you don't have anyone to share the bitter feeling with you,"

Shit. Don't cry Yoo Reynah. Breathe in, breathe out. Stop shaking. You're alright. You're a strong woman. Cry at home if you want to. Don't embarrass yourself now.

"What's wrong? You know that you can tell me anything, right? Is there anything that I can help you with? Who's the jerk that-"

"Stop that,"

"But why are you-"

"Please Jae.. not now,"

I didn't hear anything more from him. I knew that he didn't make fun of me or mock me but I just hated it. I hated at how true all his guesses are. I hated the thought of how miserable my life is. I hated the fact that he knew me even better than the one that I got married to.

I hated the world.
I hated the unfair fate.
I hate my crumbled destiny.
I hate you, Byun Baekhyun.
I hate myself.

And just like that, I broke down in front of my ex, bailing my eyes out without thinking twice in his warm embrace... acting like an idiot I was.

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