F O R T Y - T W O

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"Alright.. daddy."

Your smirk turned me on and in no time, I was drenched down there. Words couldn't be used to describe how thrilling it was to do naughty things in a public place.

"I wasn't wrong when I said that you're here to seduce me, kitten. Did you lie to me by saying no just now?"

"It wasn't a lie, daddy. I was telling you the truth."

Your face was only a breath away from mine, same goes to your right hand which had slip under my dress without me knowing it.

"Bad girl should be punished, don't you think so?"

"Whatever you're saying is right, daddy. Use me all you want. I'm all yours."

Three digits entered me and I bit my lower lip quickly, trying my best to supress the upcoming loud mewls or moans. For hell sake, Yura was sitting only a few metres away from the office door. I couldn't risk her to hear my sex voice.

"You seem so sure of handling your voice, kitten. What if someone came in while I fuck you on the table?"

"No one will come in, daddy. Just do- ahhhhh"

Your left hand cupped my breast in one wild move and I threw my head back in uncontained pleasure. My climax was coming so damn fast and I tried to create a sentence in my head to inform you about it.

"You scrunch your face a lot, kitten and it's getting so fucking tight down here. What happen?"

"D-daddy. I want-"

You gave me another attack to break me down. I tried to hold back my climax, yet you made it hard for me by pinching my nipple without any warning.

I pressed my forehead against your shoulder as my whole body shivered from the upcoming climax that I delayed for seconds. I couldn't bring myself to tell you about it. The escalating pleasure was too much for me to handle.

"Say the word, kitten. You have to ask something from me. You need my permission to do something, right?"

My teeth sunk into your black Gucci coat as I struggled to bring back my senses. Never knew that talking could be so damn hard to be done at time like that.

"D-daddy.. ahhh.. can I.. can I cum?"

"You obey your daddy's commands very well, kitten. Cum for me; hard."

And all I saw was stars as I rode your fingers while burying my face in the crook of your neck to silence my scream of pleasure.

But with my bad luck since morning, the door opened and entered a demon-like soul into the room, acting all innocent and putting all the angels in shame. Fuck.

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