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I prayed hard, yes, I did. Praying that whatever negative thoughts that I had would not become a horrifying reality soon. I lost track of time, listening well to every words that you and Yura uttered. Both of you didn't actually mention the exact topic of the mini argument but my mind was too creative in listing down the possible ones.

"I'll go home for now. We'll decide it on our next meeting. Prepare the answer. This isn't a request, it's an order," Yura's voice was as cutting sharply through the tense air. Her stilettos accompanied her steps, exiting the ward in a rush.

Once the sound of the door closed echoed, I took that as a cue for me to 'wake up'. I stirred a bit and you came closer to the bed, probably already putting up an act as a loyal husband in front of me. 

"You're awake, love. How was your nap time? You sleep like a log, hardly moving an inch," my forehead was greeted by your warm lips. I sighed in approval of the light kiss.

"Morning Baek.. or more like good evening," you chuckled under your breath, "What time is it already? That wasn't a pleasing sleep, my body is sore. I really need our bed at home, for real," I could win an Oscar award, I'm pretty good in acting.

"I'll take you home soon, once the doctor discharges you. So is there anything that you've heard from the doctor?" you helped me sitting up, pouring me a cup of strawberry tea and waited for me to speak up.

"Nothing much," I sipped the tea slowly, debating with myself whether I should reveal everything or keep some to myself.

"And may I know what that 'nothing-much' is all about?" you pushed me aside, only to get onto the bed with me before you started to braid my hair.

"He said that I can go home tomorrow morning," my voice raised one pitch, couldn't bear the excitement to escape the all-white sickening room.

"That's all?"

"And he said that I'll be fine as long as I consume my medicine," I quickly handed you the cup once I realized that my hands were shaking. That's the prove of me trying so hard to appear strong and unbothered. 

"Then Nurse Byun will monitor you for the upcoming days. There'll be no chance for you to skip your meals and pills. Watch me grind those pills and put it in your food, so don't even try to cheat," your mischievous tone caught me in laugh and I buried my face at the crook of your neck, preventing the tears from falling.

Funny, it's a funny scene to me. Both of us were holding on tight to our relationship that has never been real. Maybe if there's no marriage license, you and I would already break up, for good. 

And also maybe it was the rings on our sweet finger held us back from saying the goodbye words.

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