T H I R T Y - N I N E

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I went to Chateau Cafe after a month of monitoring the progress at home. I talked to you that I was too lazy to doll-up to go to work and you suggested for me to just work at home.

"Ms Rosé, there's someone who came here every day since a month ago. He was looking for you."


"Oh speak of the devil, there he is. He always comes around this hour."

"Alright. Thanks for informing me, Eunwoo. We'll talk about work after this in my office."

I dismissed Eunwoo and walked with heavy steps towards the man that I wished to never encounter with again.

"Hi there, Mr Lee Jaehwan."

"Gosh! Finally, you're here! I tried to reach out for you since a month ago."

"I know. Breakfast on me. Come."

I sighed as he sat in front me with a smile on his face. I felt pretty bad for feeling annoyed by his presence now. What an ungrateful bitch I was. Throwing away someone after receiving enough attention from someone else.

"You do look better now. Much healthier, happier. Bet that your holiday did the magic on you."

"Yeah. I need to shake the stress away. By the way, how did you know that this cafe belongs to me? I guess that I didn't mention about it to you before."

"Jinhwan, your worker at Ray le Arte told me to find you here. You went MIA. Even your staffs didn't know anything about you. I was worried."

"Oh.. ok."

I mumbled the word awkwardly because it's not like I should apologize for making him worrying about me.

"Why were you searching for me? Any news of hosting a wedding? I really need to go to church and watch a common wedding drama in live."

"It'll be nice if you stop mentioning it."

His ears turned red and he avoided eye contact. He stirred his white coffee slowly and a frown decorated his forehead.

"Oh my goodness. I'm sorry, Jae. What happened?"

"We broke up, for good. Let's just say that we aren't meant for each other, okay?"

I nodded and started to focusing on my shepherd pie.
I was startled.
I was puzzled.
I was horrified.

Not by the hot news from the oven.
But by his expression that told me that something is off.

He should look sad.
He should sound more melancholic.
He should hide his small smile better.

Fuck! He's just a plain stupid boy! My blood boiled in no time and before I knew it, I slapped my words straight on his face.

"Did you fall out of love first, Lee Jaehwan? Don't say no because I know that you do and I hope that the reason has nothing to do with me."

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