T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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The one that I didn't want to meet was standing before me and I did nothing when that body was getting near me. My eyes glued to his flawless face, looking younger than his current age.

"You're back.."

"Yeah, I'm back. Aren't you feel happy to see me? It has been for how long? 6 years?"

It's Lee Jaehwan, my ex boyfriend in highschool. I dated him since my freshman year. We broke up because he went to Europe with his family and stayed there.

"You left me and I'm suppose to feel happy to meet you now?"

He sighed and fished his brand new iPhone Xs from his pocket. I managed to take a quick glance at his phone case. 'KEN' was being embroided there. It must be his English name.

"We need to talk about that and fortunately my schedule is clear until the next two days. Grab an early dinner with me?"

He kept his distance from the very start.
He didn't make me feel uncomfortable.
He didn't do any salty remark.
He didn't show any difference in term of attitude.
He's still the same Jaehwan that I knew back then.

"Rey? Are you coming?"

He called after me again, looking a little bit worried of my hesitation to spend my time with him.

'He won't do anything stupid to you, Reynah. He's a gentleman with a lot of dignity on him. It'll be fine.'

My mind spoke to me, persuade me to just go for it, to just follow my heart and see what will happen after that.

"Alright but I'll drive my own car. Where should we go?"

Just today, only for today I'll talk with my ex. One dinner, one long conversation and that's it. I can't risk anything more.

Or else I knew that I'll fall for him all over again.

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