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Family gathering.
A phrase that I was afraid the most.

The Byuns rarely did that occasion but when they held one, I couldn't escape from attending it.

Part of me was a bit happy; knowing that you would be at home right after your office hour.

Another rare thing to be happened but I wished it would happen everyday.

Greedy. That's what I was.

Casual pale pink strapless dress with lacey white cardigan to cover my shoulder blades and a few more accessories that I kept at the minimal amount on me; I thought that I look decent enough.

Turned around and I saw you in your white Tshirt.

Damn. Too dashing. And I blushed like a schoolgirl who just met her crush. Idiot.

But hey.. I wasn't a schoolgirl to you. I was your wife.

Let's try your luck Byun Reyna. Deep breath and ask away. Fighting!

"Baekhyun, how do I look?"

"Huh? Hmm.. fine, i guess."

Yeah. Sure, sure.
Why did I even bother to ask you?
You didn't even pay a glance on me.

Fuck you.

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