T H I R T Y - S I X

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One week after our short honeymoon-based work trip, I was a happy wife all over again. Every night in someone else's country was beautiful with our moans and sweaty bodies cuddling under the thick hotel duvet.

And you're back at being busy once we landed in South Korea. I couldn't complain much because everytime you came back at 8, you would shower me with hugs and kisses.

"Isn't it hard for you to work like this everyday?"

You were resting your head on my lap while I massaging your temples gently on the couch. Your sweet smell invaded my personal space as I brushed your hair with my fingers.

"It's not like I have a choice. You know that very well, right? Why are you saying that though? Feeling bad for me?"

You opened your eyes before you took my hand and brought it to your lips and nibbed on my fingers playfully.

"You look so tired everyday. You don't have to work so hard. Your brother can handle half of the office work for you."

"Oh.. I'm afraid that I can't do that. Baekbeom has two kids waiting for him to go home early."

"And you, Mr Byun Baekhyun, has a bored sexy wife at home for you to play with."

I pouted as you laughed at my remark. I was serious though. You then lifted my shirt and tucked your head inside. I tried my best not to dodge away as you snuggled on my bare stomach.

"Excuse me, sir. What are you doing?"

I giggled as you held my hands on my sides as I tried to push your head away. I was ticklish and your hair that kept on poking on my sensitive skin weren't help me to stay still at all.

"Byun Reyna.."


I was startled to hear your deep voice. It's a tone that you rarely used on me except when you have something important to inform me. I stopped struggling to free my hands as you peeked out of my shirt to look at me again.

"I don't know whether you will agree to this or not. But first, I need you to listen to me."

"What is it, Baek? You're scaring me."

I pinched your cheek slightly and you scrunched your nose in response. Nervousness was clear in your eyes and I could feel your rapid heartbeats under my right palm which was resting on your hard chests.

"This is just a request of mine. If you want to refuse, then just say so. I can always wait. I won't push you into it."

You interlocked our hand together and caressed the back of my hand in small circles.

"Okay. Now just tell me about it. The suspense is painful, y'know."

"Fine. Always so eager even when you're not on bed with me," and I smacked you hard because of that and you only guffawed without stopping me, "Okay, okay. You're a good girl on bed. I surrender."

"Stop being a pervert and please get to the main point before I get my ass off this couch. The moment I do so, please be noted that you won't get any goodnight kiss or cuddles tonight."

The warning worked pretty well and you started to behave like a gentleman again.

"Okay, so here's the tea. Let's have a baby."

And I gasped in shock.
You never propose to me about this.
And I never expect you to say it.
But now you mentioned it.
And I didn't know how should I react to it.

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