F O R T Y - F I V E

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Waves of emotions swept off my system. My inner-self felt numb and I was somehow in need of that. No specific reason, it just felt nice to not being able to figure out what I was feeling inside.

But on the contrary, my abdomen was on fire, making the urge for me to scream and claw my stomach out of my body every minute. Can't anyone around me put out the fire? Can't they see that I was burning?

"Her fingers are twitching. Take her vital signs and blood pressure. Once they're stable enough, find me in my room."

A whispering voice invaded my hearing. His thick Chinese accent was amusing. I wished he would keep on talking; I needed to distract myself from the pain so bad.

"Mrs Byun, can you hear me?" a cold touch on my forearm that I wanted to flinch away from it wasn't relieving at all. It was just another contact with a stranger, which much to my disliking.

My throat was parched, my abdomen was on fire, my legs were nowhere to be felt. I was hopeless. I wanted nothing but for them to put me under morphine or sleeping pill. I refused to lay there and be a pretty mannequin in a hospital gown.

"Is she awake yet?" an airy deep voice echoed silently from across the room, probably that person only peeked in his head through the door. 

"She'll come around soon. You can stay with her if you want. If there's anything, you can press the button beside her bed. Excuse me, I need to go now."

"Thanks," light footsteps were nearing and I sniffed in the sweet vanilla scent coming from you. Yes, I knew that it was you, "hi love. You stood me up for dinner. I feel hurt."

I could imagine how your lips crooked in smile when you said those words jokingly. Definitely an ace when it comes to the matter of trying to make me feel better. 

"Do you even hear me? You better be, I have a lot to complain to you. Let's start with an eating issue. I did tell you to never skip any of your meal because of work, didn't I?"

That's how the endless one-way conversation went on and on with a mixture of laughter, lips-pouting and whining. Your fingers soothed over my skin every now and then. You would caress near my soft spots and tease me whenever my heart beats rapidly beating. 

"Your body reacts well with my touch even in your sleep. Naughty little kitten, my personal kitten," a soft pair of lips connected with mine for less than 2 seconds and I hoped that it would last longer than that, "It's almost midnight. Goodnight, love."

Goodnight, Byun Baekhyun. I love you.

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