T H I R T Y - T W O

326 13 2

We rode on two different limos once we arrived and I only watched from afar when a few of local reporters and fans were hovering around you.

Maybe that's the reason why I should never argue about revealing our relationship to the public. All eyes are on you; waiting quietly or rather noisily for you to fall (medias).

"Where should we go first, Ms Rosé?"

The driver who worked for your family asked me right after he wore his sunglasses on the driver seat.

"Drive-thru; McDonald. Oh.. and Starbuck too, please."

I saw you eyeing my car as we went to the opposite direction. Our eyes met but I couldn't bring myself to smile. Still feeling bitter about the fact that I never travel for real with you.


"Room 408, exclusive suit."

I mumbled as I made my way to the empty royal-themed hallway with dim light. The hotel screamed sex appeal as I walked further around it.

I scanned the card on the door once I found the mahagony board on the wall next to the door showed the number of my room. I muffled a scream when the door suddenly open ajar and a strong hand pulled me in by my waist.

"Gosh! Byun Baekhyun! You surprised me!"

The manly scent that came from you caught my attention and I laughed immediately. My rigid body relaxed entirely in no time with your arms wrapped tightly around me.

"What take you so long, love? I was bored in the room,"

You whined while buried your face into my hair and my hands automatically carressed your hair.

"Sorry. I bought us some food. I'm too hungry. McD and Starbuck for dinner? In for it?"

"You ate a lot in the plane and you're still hungry now? Why am I need to feel amaze by that? But love, I'm hungry for something else though,"

With that being said, my dress was being lifted slowly and a trail of butterfly kisses marked my skin. I flushed at the sudden affection.

"Baek, I need to eat REAL FOOD though. I'm hu-"

And your lips shushed me up with a kiss. You brought my right hand and rested it on the lower part of your body. You shivered once my fingers made a contact with your boner.

"Can I just eat you down there instead?"

You asked me with an innocent face and pouted your lips. Oh.. how do I even can say no to you when you make that face..

"Make me scream then,"

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