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"Mr. Kim from the data analytics branch claims he needs to discuss an urgent matter with you, Mr Choi. Would you like me to send him in?"

San looked up and sent a small smile to his secretary, "Go ahead and send him in, Sana, thank you."

"Good morning, sir." The man said quietly as he walked into his boss's office, sitting in the chair directly across from him.

"I don't have unlimited time to sit here and wait for you to tell me why you're here," San muttered harshly as he continued filling out some paperwork.

"Oh...I uh...I was recording the number of supplies on last nights shipment and there are three boxes of ammunition missing."

Setting his pen down on the table, he gathered up his papers and calmly put them in their own folder. "Tell me, Mr Kim, why are you exempt from following orders?"

The man's eyes widened, "I'm sorry...I don't quite understand what you mean."

"You seemed to understand what I meant last week when I told you we were going to delay the next shipment and you were in charge of making that happen." A sigh fell from San's lips before he looked up at the man, "Unfortunately this mistake will cost you your job. You have thirty minutes to gather your things and exit the building before Seonghwa is granted permission to remove you by force. Please send up the driver of the truck and the stock manger as you say your goodbyes."


San let out a frustrated groan as he leaned back in his chair, letting his eyes rest for the first time in over twenty four hours.

"Was it really necessary to fire all of those men?" Seonghwa asked as he let himself into San's office.

"Would you prefer I killed them? I give orders for a reason, Hwa."

The elder rolled his eyes, not appreciating how San was basically ignoring his existence. "Could you sleep some other time?"

San finally opened his eyes only to give his friend a dirty look. "Why are you questioning me about this? I did what I needed to."

"Did you, San? You fired five people—for three missing boxes of ammunition!?"

"If you must know, Lee enterprises has our current shipping route. They told me that if I didn't find a new route they would slaughter my men and take the weaponry they needed. So this mistake could've cost me millions and the lives of some employees. So yes, I did what I had to."

There were a couple moments of awkward silence as Seonghwa tried to think of what to say. "I'll do my best to get new employees to fill the spots."

"Let's stop talking about work," San suggested, "How was your date with that one boy you told me about?"

Seonghwa's cheeks turned a bright pink, "Hongjoong—it went good. We're going to go on a second date next week."

"Y'know I was just th—"

"Can I be the stock manager please! Please! Please!" Yunho whined as he ran into the room, still out of breath from climbing the stairs.

San's eyebrows knit together in confusion, "What's wrong with the job you have?"

"San, security is so boring. And if something did happen—what do you expect me to do?"

"The only reason you want that is because you'll be closer to Mingi," seonghwa muttered.

A grin spread across Yunho's face as he nodded, "That too."

San looked up at the boy with a sympathetic expression, "Yunho, he has a girlfriend."

The grin on his face faltered, "There was something between us at one point...there could still be a chance, right?"

"If you really don't like your job, I can find you something else, but I'm not going to put you somewhere where you'll just be sad all day," San said quietly as he looked through his emails, making sure there was nothing too important. "We can talk about this more tomorrow if you want, Yun, but right now I want to go home and get some sleep."


San sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day as he walked through the front door of his house. He wasn't ungrateful for the things his father and his own accomplishments provided for him, he just wished it wasn't so lonely.

Yes, he had friends, but all of his friends had somebody else. It felt like something was missing, or someone was missing.

He wished there was somebody he could share his life with. But it was quite impossible to be a part of the mafia and want to simultaneously experience love. Well maybe it wasn't impossible, but it was difficult. It was hard to find somebody willing to go out with him when three fourths of the population couldn't even look him in the eye. 


My inspiration for this book was Mafia in the Morning by itzy 

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