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"Hi..." San spoke as Yeosang opened the apartment door to let him in.

"Hey San..." the boy responded awkwardly, trying to be on his best behavior for the sake of his and Wooyoung's friendship, "Wooyoung's in his room."

The younger just nodded, not quite knowing how to carry on a conversation with the other boy. "Yeah, okay. Thanks," he rushed out before making his way out of the kitchen and down the hall. The steps to Wooyoung's room seemed to be ingrained in his mind, his body automatically leading him there. He knocked softly on the wood surface and waited patiently for the boy he wanted to see.

"Sannie~" Wooyoung gushed, already knowing who it was just by how the male had knocked, "I missed you."

Before letting him through the door, Wooyoung wrapped his arms around San's waist and laid his head on the boy's chest. "I just saw you last night, baby," he muttered as he walked the two of them further into Wooyoung's room, "are you just tired?"

"No, Mr Choi, I even slept in this morning," Wooyoung spoke before looking up at his boyfriend, pressing a light kiss to his jaw, "I think I'm just excited you're meeting my family."

A small smile formed on San's lips, "oh I don't think I've ever been more nervous, Wooyoung."

"They'll love you, I know they will. You don't have to be nervous."

"Yeah I hope so..." he whispered, eyes wandering around the room, "are you ready to go?" Although his nerves were through the roof about the fact he was going to meet his boyfriends parents, he was still eager to go, excited to see that part of Wooyoung's life.

"I am—and now that you're here, you can carry my bags."


The two had been on the road for awhile now, Wooyoung hadn't really been paying attention to the time; however, he was drawn in to watching the trees come and go. The green blurs seemed to be lulling him to sleep.

"I'm tired, Sannie," he muttered before reaching out for one of San's hands which were planted firmly on steering wheel.

A smile formed on the elder's face as he looked away from the road for a split second to look at his boyfriend's face. "You're always tired when you're in the car," he spoke, letting Wooyoung intertwine their hands.

Just as Wooyoung was about to finally fall asleep, San's phone began ringing discordantly from where it sat in between them.

"Can you see who it is?"

Picking up the device, Wooyoung looked at the caller ID and responded, "it's just Seonghwa."

"Oh what the hell..." San grumbled as he reached for his phone, promptly answering the call, "What is it?"

"How the fuck is it even possible they know the schedule?"

"Ok—ok I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Is everything okay, San?" Wooyoung asked quietly when San set phone down.

The elder's jaw clenched before he muttered, "No. Some of my men have been taken hostage—Wooyoung I know this is really important to you, but I can't just ignore it."

"Let me come with you."

"Absolutely not. There's a hotel a little further down, one of my business partners own it. You're going to tell him you're with me and you'll be taken care of."

Wooyoung's eyebrows knit together in frustration as his words were completely disregarded. "I want to help you, San," he pried.


They pulled into a parking lot in front of a hotel that looked as if it would cost Wooyoung's life saving just to stay one night. "I don't want to stay here—I want to come with you. I—"

"Wooyoung. I'm not bringing you with me, and nothing you say will change my mind, okay? I have to go, I'll be back as soon as I can."


A frown rested on Wooyoung's lips as he was escorted to the highest floor of the building after showing the man at the receptionist desk the ID of San's he still had in his wallet.

"Here you are, sir. If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to use the phone next to the bed," the man said formally before bowing to Wooyoung.

He walked into the room and his jaw instantly dropped. The room was bigger than all of his apartment. It was hard to be frustrated with his boyfriend when he was met with such luxury.

"Oh my god..." he whispered as he peaked out at the balcony to see a pool. He'd never seen a pool attached to a single room before—it felt wrong for someone of his stature to even walk on the carpet.

When he began to debate what he should do with his time, there was a light knock on the door. He walked over and opened the door to reveal a man that couldn't be described as anything other than large. Although he was the most intimidating man he'd ever seen, the first thing he did was send Wooyoung a toothy grin. "Hi, how are you? I'm Lee Youngjin, I own this place," he spewed as he extended a hand for Wooyoung to shake.

"I'm Jung Wooyoung, it's nice to meet you, sir."

"May I come in?" He asked politely, gesturing to the dining table behind them. When Wooyoung nodded, he walked past the boy, making himself comfortable in one of the chairs. "I hear you're with Mr Choi? What a pleasure that boy is."

"Yes—I am," Wooyoung said nervously as he sat down across from the man.

Youngjin folded his hands on front of himself on the table before continuing, "You must be somebody very special to him...he doesn't bring many people around at all."

"Oh...I don't know what I'm supposed to say on behalf of San...but we're...together."

"Oh how wonderful! Consider yourself one lucky boy. I've been business partners with the Choi family for many many years—I've never met anybody like San Choi. He's a strong one too."

Wooyoung nodded, "He sure is...how long have you known him?"

"Oh...I met San when he was just a little baby when I first got into business with his dad. What a nasty little man—but San, I just knew he would grow up to do great things"

"I haven't heard much about San's father..." Wooyoung muttered.

A bitter laugh fell from the man's lips before he continued, "You're real lucky you never had to meet him. He probably would've ordered for you to be killed for distracting San the second you two met. I've never met somebody as heartless as that Mr Choi...San definitely took after his mother and that makes me very pleased."

"San really loved his mother...she sounds like a very special woman..."



Hi...I'm making up for not uploading on Sunday 

I had food poisoning over the weekend and now I've pulled something in my back...so I've had plenty of time to write while in bed. 

Thanks for reading <3

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