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"Hi, I'm Wooyoung. I'm here to give San the paperwork he asked for," Wooyoung said sweetly as he stopped in front of the receptionist's desk.

The girl sent him a smile, "I'm Yeji," she said softly before typing away at her computer. "So it looks like Mr Choi is not currently in his office, but you're more than welcome to wa—"

"Maybe if you weren't such a incompetent idiots you'd be able to do fucking your job!" Somebody screamed from a ways down one of the hallways. "You have one hour to get things running or I'll do a lot more than relieve you from your position!"

Wooyoung and Yeji made awkward eye contact as the two of them decided whether to speak or not. Just as the girl opened her mouth to speak, somebody walked in behind them.

"Yeji, please contact a representative from the manufacturing branch that knows how things are supposed to happen before I kill every single person in this building," San said calmly before bringing his hands up to massage his temples. He turned to leave the room, but was stopped by Yeji.

"S—Sir, I'll get right on that, but there's somebody here to see you."

The man let out a sigh, "Does it look like I have the time to talk to meet with somebody?"

"Oh...I can come back some other day if today isn't good for you. I was just here to give you these," Wooyoung interjected as he held up the folder filled with all his paperwork.

San's whole demeanor changed upon hearing the boy's soft voice. He cleared his throat and tried to cleanse himself of the lingering anger coursing through his veins. "It's fine. They'll just have to figure things out on their own. You can come back to my office with me, Wooyoung."

Before he even had a chance to respond, San was already halfway down the hallway. He had to speed walk a little to catch up with the elder, "Is everything okay? I heard you yelling."

An embarrassed laugh slipped past San's lips, "I'm sorry you had to hear that."

"It must've been something serious...are you sure you're fine to meet with me today?"

It was unusual how talkative Wooyoung seemed to be after the shyness he possessed around the elder only one day before. "Everything's getting taken care of now, no worries." San pushed his office door open and let Wooyoung in before walking in behind him. "So you got everything filled out, no questions?"

He placed the stack of papers in front of San and nodded, "Yeah, everything's there."

"I just have to put some stuff in the system, then we can get started," The elder said quietly as he typed something on the computer.

Wooyoung nodded once again even though San was obviously occupied in whatever was on the computer screen. His eyes wandered around the room, looking for anything interesting about his new boss. But there seemed to be nothing in the room that expressed personality in any way. The space was very neat and organized, but the best word to describe it was boring.

After a few minutes of silence, San let out a sigh and turned his attention back to Wooyoung. "So..." he started, letting out a small laugh, "I forgot that I fired everybody in analytics...so there's nobody but me to train you."

"Oh I didn't know you knew how to do that."

The elder raised an eyebrow, almost wounded by Wooyoung's word. Did he look that stupid? "Well I'm the manager, so I pretty much know how to do every job."

A smile spread across the boy's face, "I thought you just did the interviews...how are you old enough to be a manger?"

San returned the smile, oddly entertained by the younger. "It's a family business. I've been training for this job since I could walk."

"Did you want to do this or was it a you have no choice type of situation?" Wooyoung asked, letting his curiosity get the best of him.

The question took San by surprise. He had never had a choice in what he wanted to do with his life, but a part of him had always wanted it. "I guess a little of both." He cleared his throat, deciding it was time for the two of them to get back on track, "So if you're ready, why don't we start your training?"


"San~" Yunho sang as he skipped into the cluster of offices where his boss and Wooyoung were, "Can I steal Wooyoung?"

San looked up at the elder for a split second before shaking his head. "No. I'm still showing him how to do things," he replied flatly.

"I think you can be done with him for the night."

"Why do you think you can tell me what to do?" San snapped, making both Yunho and Wooyoung jump. Instead of interfering in their argument, Wooyoung just spun around in his chair awkwardly.

Yunho let out a harsh breath, "It's almost ten, San, you can't keep him here all night." He shook his head, "And you're lucky you're still my boss, if I was clocked out I would've beat you up for yelling at me."

San laughed at his friend's words, "We both know you could never beat me up."

"You're bad at respecting your elders..."

Rolling his eyes, San turned away from the elder and back to Wooyoung. He leaned in next to the boy and closed the tabs on the computer, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was so late. You're free to go."

Yunho scoffed, "Oh you're nice to him?"

Wooyoung let out a high pitch laugh before spinning around and grabbing Yunho's hands, "it's because you're not as cute as me."

"You're right...San probably has a crush on you."

Wooyoung slapped Yunho's arm unnecessarily hard before muttering, "I was just teasing you, Yun, you're cute too."

San made an unsure noise from behind them which caused Yunho to gasp. The elder grabbed Wooyoung's arm and pulled him out of the chair, "C'mon, Wooyoung, we don't need to stay with him any longer."

The youngest quickly turned to wave at San, "Bye San! See you tomorrow!"

San smiled at the boy, "Bye Wooyoung, good job today."

"Yun," Wooyoung whisper yelled when they were outside of the building, "You didn't tell me San was so handsome."

A grin spread across Yunho's face, "You should ask him on a date."

"No! I haven't known him that long—and isn't it like illegal for him to date employees?" Just by the softness of the younger's voice, and the small smile resting on his lips, Yunho could tell he already had a little crush on San.

"The company belongs to San, I don't really think there's anybody to tell him what to do."

A light blush tinted Wooyoung's cheeks as he ran his fingers through his hair, "Do you think he'd like me? Not saying that I do want to go on a date...just curious."

"I guess we'll have to find out," Yunho said softly before running across the parking lot to his own car. 


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