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After driving a few hours away from the urban areas that had become so ordinary to them, the two found themselves in a more remote place. Well San found himself there...Wooyoung on the other hand had fallen asleep about five minutes into the ride. It wasn't that he had just dosed off, the boy was in a deep sleep, resting his head on the center console with San's arm trapped in his hold.

Coming to a stop at a red light, San turned his attention to the sleeping boy, making sure he wasn't hurting going to hurt his neck. "I don't know how you're even tired...all you do is sleep," he scolded quietly before leaning over to press a quick kiss to Wooyoung's forehead.

San kept driving, paying no attention to time until he saw the entrance to a park. It wasn't the type of park that inhabited a cheap play set and a few benches, it was one with numerous trails a few little streams.

"It's pretty..." Wooyoung whispered, suddenly sitting up wide awake.

"Oh...you're awake," San said as he pulled into a nearly empty parking lot in front of a small body of water where somebody was peacefully fishing.


"San—just hold the other end."

"I am holding the end."

"Well hold it better!"

"Wooyoung, baby...do you expect me to be able to control the wind!?" San yelled back as the two fought against the wind to lay down their picnic blanket.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes and he let go of his end, the blanket promptly sticking to San. "Why are you calling me baby in a condescending way?" He whined before plopping down on the grass.

Bunching up the blanket in his arms, San let out a huff and decided to sit down across from the boy. "I'm sorry..." he said quietly as he reached out to place a hand on Wooyoung's thigh.

"I'm sorry too...I'm just hungry."

"I should've known spending all day together would cause some...hostility."

"Hostility?" Wooyoung whispered, his head falling to the side. He smiled to himself before yelling, "What is that," and pointing off somewhere on the distance.

As San turned his head to examine whatever Wooyoung had pointed at, the younger jumped on top of him, peppering slobbery kisses all over his face as if he was some kind of rabid dog. "What...are you doing?" San breathed out, trying to keep himself from letting out childish giggles.

"Proving there's no hostility, Mr Choi," he said quietly before dipping back down to kiss San's lips this time, "Now let's figure out how to put that blanket down."

San nodded, taking a couple seconds to think about what they could do. "What if...you sit in the middle of the blanket then I can try to put stuff on the corners."

Throwing up a quick thumbs up, Wooyoung agreed to the idea—mostly because it meant less work for him—but it seemed like it would work.


Wooyoung laid across San's lap and watched the glistening water glide over the rocks in the creek as he tried to stay awake after eating half his weight in approximately ten minutes. If he didn't feel like a pressurized balloon ready to pop, Wooyoung would have already been playing in the water. All he needed was a quick power nap then he was sure he'd be ready to go in the water.

"Are you cold?" San asked quietly, trying not to overpower the sounds of nature, "I have an extra blanket."

"I'm fine Sannie," Wooyoung responded and turned his head so he could look up at his boyfriend. He reached up to grab San's face, trapping the elders cheeks in between his thumb and index finger. "You're my pretty boy..." he muttered before squishing the boy's cheeks. 

Detaching himself from Wooyoung's iron grip, San grumbled, "it's like you're obsessed with me or something..."

"Oh I am obsessed with you."

San rolled his eyes, "Yeah yeah whatever."

"What," He questioned, "You don't believe me, Mr Choi?" 

"I just don't know why you always think I'm pretty. I have a hard time believing that. I'm not pretty," rambled the elder even though the two had had this same conversation countless times.

"I think you're pretty...and my opinion is the most important."

San nodded, agreeing the with the statement. He did value his boyfriend's option over almost everybody else's, but that didn't mean he understood why Wooyoung always needed to call him a baby name. "But I'm a twenty year old man, Wooyoung."

"A pretty twenty year old man."

"I just don't understand it..."

Reaching up once again, Wooyoung placed a hand on the side of san's face, brushing his thumb over the elder's cheek. "I guess it's not for you to understand then," he said softly. 

There was a stretch of silence between the two, San no longer interested in defending himself. The elder watched the water and smiled at the memories that seemed to be stored in the babbling of the creek. "Wooyoung, have you ever been to the beach?" he asked quietly.

Looking up at his boyfriend once again, Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, "Yeah...have you never been?"

A small sigh slipped past San's lips before responding, "I really wanted to go when I was younger. I would always ask my mom to take me, but we didn't live close to any and my dad didn't want me to leave for a trip." He paused for a few moments to think before continuing, "my mom would always take me to the little creek in the woods by our house instead."

"Sannie, If want to go the beach, I'll take you to the beach. There's one kinda close to my parents house...why don't we go while we're there?"

A smile spread across his face upon hearing the younger's words. He was going to go to the beach after all. 


Thank you so much for 10K! Your support means the world to me 

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