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"Shit...shit...shit," Wooyoung cursed as he ran back and forth across his apartment, "San is going to be here any second—Yeosang where is my straightener!" Yeosang looked up from his phone long enough to give the boy a dirty look, not even bothering to answer him.

A frustrated sigh came out of the younger before he walking in front of the bathroom mirror, examining his reflection. He really had no idea how formal the date was supposed to be since San refused to give up any detail of where it was. All he really hoped was that he wasn't underdressed...which was more than likely going to be the outcome.

After pushing his hair across his forehead in about every direction, he finally decided that nothing was going to make it look better. Just as he reached out for his makeup bag, thinking he needed to touch up the little bit of makeup he was wearing for the tenth time, there was a knock on the door.

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, and left Yeosang to deal with their unexpected guest. Now there was nothing left to do but wait for San to text that he was in the parking garage.

"Uhhh Wooyoung?" His roommate called out from the kitchen.

With another sigh, he finally left the bathroom and went to see what Yeosang needed. He froze when he saw San standing in the middle of the room, a small bouquet of flowers in his hands. "That's why you asked for the apartment number," He whispered to himself.

Yeosang slowly backed out of the room, suddenly uninterested in meeting Wooyoung's date once he saw what he looked like. "Just...text me when you get home tonight, I'll be out with Jongho."

The younger nodded before turning back around and smiling, "Hi San."

"These are for you," San said quietly as he handed Wooyoung the bouquet of pink and yellow flowers, "My mom told me that you should never show up to a first date without flowers—I just hope she was right."

A smile spread across his face, "Thank you San, they're really pretty." He grabbed the flowers and walked over to a cupboard where they kept a couple vases. After picking the perfect one, he filled it with water, carefully unwrapped the flower, and stuck them in the vase. "I'll trim the stems later I just don't want them to get thirsty while I'm gone."

"You look nice..." the elder said sincerely yet awkwardly at the same time. He was never like this around people he didn't know why all of the sudden Wooyoung was making him so nervous.

Cheeks turning pink, Wooyoung looked away, trying to hide his own anxiety. It had been over a year since he'd been on his last date...and he just hoped this one was much better than the last. "Thank you. I was worried that I would be underdressed since I have no idea where we're going."

San laughed at the boy, "It's nowhere too fancy, you'll be fine the way you are." There was a few seconds of painful silence before he cleared his throat, "So are you ready to go?"

He quickly nodded, "Yeah."


The car ride was a lot less awkward than the walk down from Wooyoung's apartment. Things might have continued on that path is San hadn't owned one of the most expensive cars he'd had seen in his entire life.

After San explained he made quite a bit more than the average working citizen, they continued to talk about random things. They had no connection to each other, yet the conversation flowed nicely.

"We're here," San said softly as he pulled into a parking garage.

Looking up at the building, Wooyoung's eyebrows knit together in confusion. He had no idea what he was looking at. It made sense he didn't really know the area since they drove roughly forty minutes from where they lived. "What is it exactly...?"

"It's an art museum," the elder clarified, "I wasn't really sure if you liked art—I'm just hoping you do."

A grin spread across Wooyoung's face upon hearing that. "I love art!" He said happily, basically jumping out of the car.

After San bought their tickets while Wooyoung ogled at the fancy ceilings, they set off to explore the first floor.

"I never would've thought you were an art type of guy," the younger said gently so he wouldn't disturb the other people around them.

Turning to give the boy his attention, San raised an eyebrow, "Whys that?"

"You just...you're a lot different than I expected you to be. After the way we met I thought you'd be...I don't know like boring and obsessed with work. But you're not boring," he rambled, eyes fixed on the colorful painting in front of him.

"I'm glad you don't think I'm boring," he responded, "And I don't have a ton of time for things besides work, but I like a lot of things."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Well I like art, spending time with friends, taking naps..." you. There was a pause as San mentally scolded himself for that thought, "There's more but it's just a lot of pressure to come up with them on the spot."

Wooyoung smiled at the elder, "Maybe you are boring."

An offended look formed on San's face, "Okay then you come up with a list of interests with no time to think about it."

"Analytics, dance, music, having sleepovers with Yunho, art, sleeping, an—"

"You're just showing off at this point."

The boy just shrugged, "a little."


When San's car pulled into the parking garage, Wooyoung was almost sad the date was over already. "Thank you for today, San, I had a really good time," He said quietly.

A small smile formed on San's lips, "I did too." There was an awkward pause before he found something to say, "I hope that we...can go on second date."

Wooyoung couldn't stop the grin from spreading across his face, "I'm glad you said that because I was worried you didn't like me."

"I really like you Wooyoung," He responded quietly, scared that Yunho was going to jump out of the backseat and make fun of him for being so cheesy.

"I like you too," Wooyoung whispered. His cheeks turned a dark shade of red as he let out an embarrassed laugh, "I think I should go now before I make it even more awkward."

"Do you want me to walk you up?"

He shook his head, "I got it."

San let out a small hum, "Well text me when you're inside so I know you're not locked out or something."

Wooyoung just sat there for a few moments before leaning over the center council a pecking San's cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow at work. Bye San!"

San just sat there frozen as Wooyoung climbed out of the car. He brought a hand up to touch his cheek as he smiled. He felt like a little school girl who's heart was about to explode. "He kissed me..." 


Awww first date

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