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"Do you want any more help?" Yeosang asked softly as he peeked his head past Wooyoung's doorframe where the boy was taping his last box shut. The two had spent the night before packing all of Wooyoung's belongings, the two stopping when Yeosang got a little too tipsy on red wine and began to cry about how much he'd miss his best friend.

Wooyoung reluctantly shook his head, letting out a small sigh in hopes of suppressing the build up of emotions. "San is on his way and I already have my car packed up...this is the last of it."

There was a heaviness in the air, both of them not wanting to expose the sadness they felt in that moment. The two had known each other since highschool, Wooyoung moving in after a bad breakup with a boy who treated him poorly. Yeosang helped the younger find his voice and build back trust for the world—and it seemed to just hit Wooyoung that this was coming to an end.

He lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Yeosang's shoulders, squeezing the elder as hard as he could. "I'm going to text you everyday—I'm going to tell you every little thing until you can't stand me anymore."

"Oh I'm going to do the same exact thing, Wooyoung, you can't get rid of me that easily."

Holding out his pinky, Wooyoung spoke, "Best friends forever."

Interlocking their pinkies, Yeosang smiled and agreed, "best friends for life."

Interrupting their moment, a knock echoed through the apartment. "That must be San," Wooyoung said as he skipped through his room and out to the kitchen.

"Hi," San smiled as his boyfriend opened the door for him, "Are you ready?"

The trio carried down the last of the boxes, loading up San's car as if it was a game of Tetris. Wooyoung slid the last box into place and turned back to his soon to be ex roommate. "Call me if you need help moving Jongho's stuff in, okay?" he asked before pulling Yeosang in for one last hug.

"I will...it'll be an excuse to see you," Yeosang added as they separated. He looked over at San and send the male a small smile, "You better take care of him, okay? I'll mess you up if anything happens."

"I promise I'll take care of him," San responded, taking on a serious tone that comforted any lingering worry Yeosang had.

Wooyoung waved to elder one last time before climbing into the passenger seat of San's car. "I'll see you Saturday!" He yelled as San backed out of the parking spot.


San gave Wooyoung an unoccupied room in his house to make his own even though the younger felt most at home in San's bedroom. He spent a few hours unpacking things and tidying them up. The one thing he didn't want to put in his room, however, was clothes. It wasn't hard to imagine spending almost every night in San's bed and it made more sense that way instead of going back and fourth to change in the morning.

After finding some empty closet space in the elder's bedroom, Wooyoung put his clothes in next to his boyfriends, suddenly realizing they were living together. Wooyoung and San living in the same house as boyfriends.

"Sannie," Wooyoung said almost exasperated as the elder walked into his bedroom. "We're living together."

"I know, baby." San watched as the younger climbed onto the bed, spinning around a couple times before letting him fall onto the blankets underneath his feet. "Why are you standing on my bed, hm?" He questioned as he he climbed on top of the boy, his face hovering over Wooyoung's.

Wooyoung smiled up at him, "Our bed," he corrected.

"Do you pay rent?"

Giggling at his question, Wooyoung shook his head, "neither do you, Sannie, this house has been paid off for decades. But we'll have to talk about utilities."

"I don't care about money—I have enough," San mumbled before finally dipping down to connect their lips in a soft kiss, "you're the only thing on my mind."

Pressing the palm of his hand on onto San's lips, Wooyoung pushed him away and muttered, "Slow down, Mr Choi, I had a long day moving boxes, I want to sleep."

San let himself fall onto the bed at Wooyoung's side, a smile lingering on his lips. "You had a really hard day handing me boxes, huh?" The elder teased.

"Sannie," Wooyoung whined as he rolled over, latching himself on San's side, "Come back."

The elder couldn't help but laugh at the fact Wooyoung wasn't upset over getting made fun of, but the fact he had moved away. "I love you, Wooyoung," he said softly, pressing a small kiss to the top of his boyfriend's head.

"I love you too—I'm hungry."

A sigh fell from San's lips at the amount of energy the boy still seemed to have. "C'mon, I'll make you dinner," he urged before willing himself off the comfortable bed.

Sitting up, Wooyoung looked up San with wide eyes, a smile slowly spreading across his face. "Sannie..."



"Fine," San grumbled as he swept the boy into his arms, carrying him to the kitchen. It felt as if his head was going to implode as he listened to the little giggles that he heard every time he carried Wooyoung anywhere. Although San never wanted to carry Wooyoung to dramatically reduce the chance of the younger plummeting down the stairs, the boy's head snuggled against his neck and his laughter always made it worth it.

"Can we see if Yunho and Seonghwa want to go out after work tomorrow? I can invite Yeosang too!" Wooyoung asked excitedly as San set him down in one of the chairs at the counter.

San nodded before walking off to dig through the cupboards for some pans. "We should probably tell Yunho and Seonghwa we moved in together, huh?"

"Oh my god—I forgot to tell Yunho."

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