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"Alright..." San started as he sat down at the head of the table in the conference room, "Thank you all for joining me."

The room full of body guards and security workers all looked in between each other nervously, knowing something bad was going to happen from a mere thank you.

San cleared his throat and looked over the papers in front of him before continuing, "I have decided to bring on more members of the security team. That being said there will now be a night team."

The men talked amongst themselves for a few moments before quickly shutting up at the sound of San rummaging through his papers. "Your schedules ultimately will remain the same, but there might be a few people added to your posts."

One of the security guards hesitantly held up a hand as if he was still in high school.

"What is it?"

"Is there a reason for the increase in security sir?"

San took some time to think about his answer so he wouldn't scare them. "I...believe that taking extra precautions would do nothing but benefit the company."

Opening his laptop, San pulled up a few spreadsheets and looked them over. "Some of your posts may change as I plan to add more. We will go over that then you're free to return to work."


San's head snapped up at the sound of his first name only to see Wooyoung standing in the doorframe, an embarrassed look on his face. "Yes?"

"Well I...I can't seem to find the password to Lee account," he said quietly, knowing that San had given him a specific paper with all of the passwords he needed for all of the accounts, but not knowing where he had put it.

A small smile formed on San's lips before he gestured for the younger to come to him. "I thought I gave you all the passwords?"

Walking towards San, Wooyoung nodded. "You did..." he whispered, feeling as if everybody in the room was staring at him.

San simply flipped over one of the papers he had in front of him and wrote the password down. "Here."

Wooyoung smiled at the elder as he took the paper in his own hands. "Thank you, Sannie," he said quietly so the others couldn't hear the name he called their boss.

San only nodded, noticing the way everybody was staring at Wooyoung. He cleared his throat before saying, "let's get back on track."


"I figured it out!" Seonghwa panted as he slammed a file down on, "I know who it is!"

"Who what is, Seonghwa?" San groaned.

"The man who wants to destroy the Choi legacy—I know what's going on."

Suddenly intrigued in the conversation, San closed the tabs on his desktop and turned to look at Seonghwa. "Go ahead."

"There was a Mr Shin who used to work for your dad—he was fired for being a double agent. But this man has a son exactly your age, San. And exactly two months ago our shipment was looted and our drivers killed by men in a vehicle belonging to Shin's company—"

San held up a finger, signaling for the elder to stop talking. "I know how this looks...but there are a lot of people who don't like me—and lootings...those happen at least  once a month. This is just another man who doesn't know how to run a business on his own."

"That's not all, San," Seonghwa spoke quickly, almost as if he was out of breath from anticipation. "I got somebody to hack the security footage—a car was seen leaving the parking lot an hour before both of the warehouse attacks. The car going in the right direction each time."

The younger let out a hum as he reached out for the file and thumbed through it. "I'll make sure to double check everything...but good job. I never would've thought to look at past employees."


"Sannie, I'm going home."

San looked up from the papers he was reading to see Wooyoung standing in the doorway of his office. He sent the boy a small smile and asked, "I can take you home in like an hour if you want?"

The younger shrugged before taking a few steps towards San's desk. "I'm tired..." he said softly, pursing his lips ever so gently.

"You fell asleep pretty early last night I thought?"

Creeping just a bit closer to the elder, Wooyoung nodded before mumbling, "I did...but then Yeosang came home in the middle of the night and woke me up."

"Oh my poor baby..." San said jokingly as he reached out to grab the boy's waist.

Ignoring the blush forming on his face, Wooyoung leaned down to wrap his arms around San's neck. It was quite an awkward position as one of them was seated and the other standing, but neither seemed to mind.

But to Wooyoung's surprise, he was pulled down into the elder's lap. He felt as if his face was on fire as he struggled to get out of San's arms. "Oh my god—San I am going to break this chair," he stammered.

"You won't," he responded simply.

The two turned their heads at the same time and Wooyoung almost jumped at the proximity. San, on the other hand, only smiled before leaning forward and pecking the younger's lips.

Wooyoung's eyebrows furrowed together as he grumbled, "I don't know how this happened after all I said was I was going to go home."

"I didn't want you to go," San said softly as he kissed the boy once more.

Instead of complaining this time, Wooyoung tightened his arms around San's neck and kissed back.

"Oh my god!"

Wooyoung nearly fell onto the floor at the high pitched wail heard from the hallway. He stood up as quickly as he could and saw one of the secretaries standing in the doorway, her eyes wide with shock.

"What it is, Sana?" San asked harshly.

"I uh—sorry Mr. Choi—I was just going to tell you that Yeji is in charge of locking up tonight and I'm going home first."

"Yeah—whatever works," he spoke before waving the girl off. He glanced over at Wooyoung to see the boy with his back turned towards the door and his head in his hands. "Wooyoung?"

Moving his hands away from his face, the younger whispered, "I'm so embarrassed," before shuffling out of the room.


I can't promise consistency on updating for the weeks to come, there is a lot going on In my personal life. I will try my hardest to keep writing, but please be patient with me if I do happen to fall behind. 

Thanks for reading 

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