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"Yun—this bar is too expensive. I need to pay rent next week." Wooyoung muttered as he stared up at the way too fancy building. On the outside it looked like it was a bank or maybe a nice library, but on the inside it was basically a strip club.

San turned around, having heard the boy's worries, "I own it, don't worry about the bill."

Eyes narrowing and eyebrows knitting together, Wooyoung tired to figure out how somebody just casually owned a bar on the side. "Why...why do you own a bar, San?"

A smile spread across Yunho's face, "He owns like half the city. Perks of being in th—"

The elder wasn't able to finish his sentence as San smacked him in the chest quite roughly, "I just get around I guess." He gritted out, sending Yunho a harsh glare."

"Can we just go inside?" Seonghwa asked flatly

Wooyoung felt a wave of nervousness wash over him. He'd been legally allowed to drink for awhile now, but he'd just never gotten around to bars. His drinking mostly consisted of cheap wine with Yeosang on Saturday nights. Feeling an arm wrap around his shoulders, he turned to see San standing next to him.

"Just so you don't get lost. There's a lot of people here," San clarified, adjusting his volume so he could be heard over the music as they walked in.

Wooyoung's response consisted of a nervous smile and a very subtle nod. Being this close to San he could smell his cologne, a faint fragrance he couldn't quite pinpoint, but he liked it. "Do you come here a lot?"

It only took a few seconds before San shook his head, "I'm not a big drinker so I really only come here with them."

"I personally think that if I owned something like this I would come here every night—not to drink but to sit here and be like hi, yes I do in fact own this place." A grin was spread across Wooyoung's as he talked. From the second he walked through the door and heard the music, adrenaline seemed to be running through his veins.

San had only known this boy for a month, yet he was starting to understand why people fell in love. It's not the he was in love with Wooyoung, it's just that he wanted to do everything in his power to keep the boy smiling and never let anything bad happen to him. "All we have to do is get married, then I can put your name on the lease...and you're the actual owner.

The younger let out a high pitched laugh, "San, can you please propose to me?"

"San stop flirting and tell the bartender I'm with you."

San gave Yunho a dirty look, "Do I know you?"

A pout formed on the elder's lips, not knowing his friend was actually that cruel. "I'm kidding, these three are with me," he clarified, causing the bartender to nod.


"Hey cutie," a girl whispered as she slid her hand down Wooyoung's chest, pressing her body against his.

His eyes widened, turning to give Yunho a look of urgency. But of course, the elder was too drunk to even comprehend what was happening. When the girls hand slid further down his body he froze. "Uh—I...hi?"

Regaining his composure, he quickly grabbed the girls hand and pulled it off his body, "So look...I—I'm...I'm not really—I uh—"

"He's here with me," San said flatly before pulling the younger's chair towards him and putting an arm around his waist to sell it.

The girl let out a nervous laugh, "Oh...sorry Mr Choi." She stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before just walking away.

"Thanks..." Wooyoung said softly, trying not to focus on the feeling of San's hand still on his waist. "I think I could've said something if you gave me a few more minutes."

San just smiled at the boy, "you looked like you were about to cry."

The younger opened his mouth to say something, but paused when he saw Yunho fall out of his chair. "I should probably take him home." He spoke before sending San an apologetic look. It just felt as if only they had a few more minutes to talk, something would've happened. "I'll see you tomorrow."

San nodded as he took a sip of his drink, "Yeah...Get home safely, okay?"

Sending the elder a thumbs up, Wooyoung tried his best to get Yunho off the floor.


"If you throw up anywhere I'll murder you," Wooyoung said softly as he laid Yunho down on the couch. He placed a blanket on top of him and tucked it in.

A small sigh fell from his lips, he should be asleep by now, but for some reason he didn't feel like it. He sat down on the floor in front of the couch and poked his friend, "Yun."

"Mm? Is it time for work?"

"No," he whispered, "do you think there's something between me and San?"

Yunho opened his eyes to squint at the younger. "Of course there's something. San...was the one who wanted to bring you with us tonight," he said slowly. 

A smile spread across his face upon hearing those words. "Do you know how cool it would be to have a boyfriend like San. Yeah my boyfriend owns a business. Oh and he owns a bar."

"Just don't get hurt this time, Woo," Yunho mumbled before closing his eyes and letting his head fall to the side.

He sighed, "not everybody's like him. And San he—he seems like a good guy." It was obvious Yunho was asleep, but Wooyoung just kept talking about his problems. "I don't think he'd be the type to hurt me. He's so handsome, I'd be dumb to pass up the opportunity."

"No...Mingi I would never tell her," Yunho muttered in his sleep.

He raised an eyebrow, "who the hell is Mingi?" 


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